
LotR Fourth Age Roleplay

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Community Newsletter + LMB Theme 2.0 Hello all, hope this announcement finds everyone well. 
23 Sam 1,319 Sept 5, 2024 12:35:40 GMT
by RuleJJ
4th Age RPDT Hello all! :D Welcome to the new 4th Age RP subforum! This topic will serve as a central meeting point for the RP. Here, we can vote on new topics a
679 emeraldeddie 8,672 Feb 1, 2018 16:14:14 GMT
by mythmaster1
Siege Weapon and Ship Rules A general overview of the siege weapon and ship rules. Make inquiries at the RPDT. Thanks to @shamrock7203 for saving these. (Or possibly someone else, if so, We
0 masterlegobuilders 672 Mar 21, 2017 19:42:04 GMT
by masterlegobuilders
Roleplay Guidelines In all roleplay forums all community guidelines, in addition to all roleplay guidelines, must be followed. 1. The user that creates a topic controls its content and direction
0 masterlegobuilders 286 Apr 7, 2017 17:25:36 GMT
by masterlegobuilders
Armies and Units of Middle Earth Welcome to the Armies and Units of Middle Earth in the Fourth Age. Post your troop list here for your HQ and also post any new troops here. If anyone has a problem with any troop
287 masterlegobuilders 5,635 Apr 13, 2017 2:26:27 GMT
by emeraldeddie
Battle and Duel Topic (Newbie Training Center double) Welcome to the Battle and Duel Topic! This is where people can challenge each other however they want, without influencing the rest of the RP. In addition, This is where we train Newbie's in how to
262 mythmaster1 4,170 Jun 13, 2017 17:02:19 GMT
by jedimasterwolf
Morgul Vale: The Second Gate The Morgul Vale is a key point into Mordor. It borders the Ithiliens and Gorgoroth. This is a fortress region, granting 500 MWE and (presumably) 50 Seige MWE.
132 mythmaster1 0 3,055 May 24, 2017 17:05:26 GMT
by mythmaster1
Minas Tirith (Gondor HQ) MINAS TIRITH: GONDOR HQ 
55 Qui 0 1,581 May 24, 2017 14:52:52 GMT
by emeraldeddie
Udun Vale The Vale of the Black Gate, this is a small region between Dagorlad and Gorgoroth. This is a Fortress Region with 500 MWE, and (presumably) 50 Seige MWE?
389 mythmaster1 0 5,985 May 22, 2017 13:09:45 GMT
by goatman36
Crossings of Poros Welcome to the Crossings of Poros! Located at the point where the Harad Road crossed the Poros river, these crossings (in lore) marked the end of firm
151 emeraldeddie 0 3,720 May 6, 2017 2:22:16 GMT
by emeraldeddie
Tolfalas Tolfalas is a small island at the mouth of the Anduin. It is only accessible by sea (obviouslyJoking) It borders Dol Amroth, Lebennin and Harondor although ships are required to
138 masterlegobuilders 0 3,455 May 4, 2017 13:18:31 GMT
by Grulkogh
South Ithilien Copied from the original topic (posted by Bobbywan) on the old LMBs: " South Ithilien is the southern part of Ithilien, containing the hills of Emyn A
74 emeraldeddie 0 2,126 May 1, 2017 18:28:02 GMT
by Bobbywan
Haradwaith Haradwaith is a large, arid land in the south of Middle-Earth. Aside from camels and wandering desert nomads, there probably wasn't much to be found in this
30 emeraldeddie 0 1,255 May 1, 2017 16:31:12 GMT
by 8legos
Umbar Haven of the Faithful HQ Welcome to the Haven of Umbar! Home of the famous corsairs of Umbar, and the last major faithful Númenórean settlement. Umbar is located on the great sea, to the west of the Harad HQ, and
51 8legos 2 1,456 Apr 29, 2017 4:36:43 GMT
by 8legos
Aglarond, the Dwarf HQ Also known as the Glittering Caves, Aglarond is a home of the dwarves in the 4th Age. It is located in the White mountains behind Helm's Deep and was founded
97 masterlegobuilders 0 2,270 Apr 23, 2017 16:05:54 GMT
by masterlegobuilders
Gorgoroth: 3rd Age Proper Mordor Gorgoroth is the old Mordor HQ. It borders Morgul Vale, Udun Vale and Nurn. This is a normal region, giving 1,000 MWE and (presumably) 100 Seige MWE.
24 mythmaster1 0 811 Apr 21, 2017 14:26:03 GMT
by LegoBuilder
Nurn: The Lake, Mountain and Plains Nurn is in between Gorgoroth and the Eastern Desolation, a large plain. This is a normal region, granting 1,000 MWE, and (pretty sure) 100 Seige Weapons.
21 mythmaster1 0 962 Apr 21, 2017 14:25:37 GMT
by LegoBuilder
Eastern Desolation | Orc HQ Welcome to the Eastern Desolation, the Orc HQ, to the west is Nurn, to the North/East/South is Rhun. Enter at your own risk. :) Current ranks: Orc lord: Me 10K Troops Orc second:
41 Khan Noonian Singh 0 1,118 Apr 21, 2017 14:24:16 GMT
by LegoBuilder
Rhun Welcome to Rhun! A vast land composing pretty much everything in the east of Middle-Earth, Rhun was composed mostly of flat, grassy plains, and was th
13 emeraldeddie 0 531 Apr 21, 2017 14:23:46 GMT
by LegoBuilder
Khand: Variags HQ Khand is one of the nations of Middle-Earth, situated in the southeast corner of the map. It consists of massive grasslands and rolling hills, but few mountains. Most of its metal comes from Mordor's
48 LegoBuilder 2 1,633 Apr 21, 2017 14:23:16 GMT
by LegoBuilder
Fords of Harnen Welcome to the Fords of Harnen, a 600 mile long river that stretches from the South of Mordor to the great sea just North of Umbar.  To the North it bor
24 8legos 1 1,021 Apr 21, 2017 14:22:28 GMT
by LegoBuilder
Harondor: South Gondor Welcome to Harondor! A land in the south of Gondor, Harondor has rivers to the north and south. To the north, it borders the Crossings of Poros and South Ithilien. Across
16 Shamrock 0 1,050 Apr 21, 2017 14:19:04 GMT
by LegoBuilder
Rohan HQ Welcome to the Rohirrim's HQ!  Bordering Aglarond, Eastemnet, and Eastfold, this is a strategically situated HQ, located near the northernmost border of our current 4th age RP. Feel
52 goatman36 2 1,694 Apr 21, 2017 7:43:14 GMT
by legokings76
Dol Amroth, Swan Knight HQ Welcome to Dol Amroth! The Knights of the Swan have always helped Gondor in battle. The city was built by Adrahil of Belfalas, and its gates have never yet been broken! I am Elphiril, Prince of Dol
14 Shamrock 1 880 Apr 16, 2017 22:18:41 GMT
by LegoBuilder
North Ithilien This is the northern part of Ithilien. Henneth Annun can be found in this region, as well as the Crossroads. Its borders are mostly formed by the Anduin, the
15 emeraldeddie 0 784 Apr 16, 2017 9:14:55 GMT
by masterlegobuilders
Dagorlad Copied from the original topic (posted by Jamesmamabile) on the old MBs: "Dagorlad is a vast plain in the southeastern part of Rhovanion near Mordor i
25 emeraldeddie 1 836 Apr 16, 2017 9:04:08 GMT
by masterlegobuilders
Osgiliath Welcome to Osgiliath! :D Once the capital of Gondor, Osgiliath became a ruined town, although it was (presumably) repaired somewhat during the 4th Age
7 emeraldeddie 0 513 Apr 11, 2017 22:04:36 GMT
by emeraldeddie
Cair Andros Copied from the topic (posted by JediMasterDarthVader) on the old MBs: "Cair Andros is an Island fortress once held by Gondor. It is damaged like Osgi
9 emeraldeddie 0 533 Apr 11, 2017 22:03:31 GMT
by emeraldeddie
Anorien Copied from the topic (posted by Rex_Cody279) on the old MBs: "Anorien is the vast fields of northern Gondor. In this region are the Druadan and Firie
10 emeraldeddie 0 537 Apr 11, 2017 22:00:13 GMT
by emeraldeddie
LotR Council of Good in the Fourth Age (CGFA) Welcome to the Council of Good in the Fourth Age LotR RP!!! Here in this topic the leaders and members of the Good HQs will meet and discuss strategy to defeat evil for e
70 masterlegobuilders 0 1,717 Apr 5, 2017 14:42:22 GMT
by Shamrock


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