There is a bed, large enough to comfortably fit one person, but not two; a small wooden chair; a small table by the side of the bed; and a sconce on the wall for an oil lamp, which is missing. The door appears solid, and the one small window is barred.
There is a bed, large enough to comfortably fit one person, but not two; a small wooden chair; a small table by the side of the bed; and a sconce on the wall for an oil lamp, which is missing. The door appears solid, and the one small window is barred.
He sees Dror standing there with Broen. "Before we go, I'm afraid you probably won't like what you see. They still have him trapped mostly underground- they think it's the best way to keep him secure. I've made sure they're feeding and watering him regularly, but I can't imagine that does much to make up for it."
He sees Dror standing there with Broen. "Before we go, I'm afraid you probably won't like what you see. They still have him trapped mostly underground- they think it's the best way to keep him secure. I've made sure they're feeding and watering him regularly, but I can't imagine that does much to make up for it."
He sees Dror standing there with Broen. "Before we go, I'm afraid you probably won't like what you see. They still have him trapped mostly underground- they think it's the best way to keep him secure. I've made sure they're feeding and watering him regularly, but I can't imagine that does much to make up for it."
Xavic sighs "Our freedom will be enough."
Dror nods. "Come, then. I will take you to him." He leads Xavic toward the stairs.