Is this going to be an exciting food/candy/drink? Something stress-relieving to fidget with? Some accessory for clothing/books/rooms? A handy little tool to help with work? Pick!
I loooooooove Hershey's! Crackle beats Crunch!! ANY DAY!!!!
Yeah, they have Hershey's Park, in Hershey, Pennsylvania. I think you get to ride some chocolate roller coaster thing.
Yah! And I prefer just plain old Hershey's chocolate, where you taste the pure chocolatey goodness that is Hershey's.
Can you take bites of the chocolate roller coaster? Because that sounds simultaneously awesome and hazardous.
Have you been hired for a Hershey's Commercial or something?
I'll look it up.....well...I can't find what I'm looking for. They have a big amusement park. And I heard that on tours through the factory where chocolate was made, people would spit in the processed chocolate.
{JAMMERS! -Same- ONLY!} UGH! How can I make you understand. *thinks* I wasn't getting anywhere. I was getting annoyed, left behind. rejected and forgotten. I should've had a Council Seat ages ago, but nobody cared about me that much. But now, I was noticed! And I may just get that council seat! Now, you can join the Jedi, and I'll get you trained and through the Trials in approximately a week. Or you can wait, to see how this goes. The B is troubling me.
{JAMMERS! -Every member of TRC- ONLY!} Still am, sort of. I'm thinking.
Now, look, here's the deal. I'm going to stay with the Jedi. My sister is going to join the Grey Jedi (which are starting shortly). They would greatly appreciate you. Take your pick. You'll still have dealings with me if you join the Grey Jedi.
Wait... New Jedi Order? Does that come after Return of the Jedi?
I find errors with the Grammar Police.
Ya know, I'm unsure. They seem to follow the old Jedi code, like it's before the events of Revenge of the Sith.
Oh no... If I cause an offence, then I blame my time limit on the computer.
This is where Star Wars gets me, if the New Jedi Order is round 'bouts the Prequel Trilogy, then is that when this Knights of the Old Republic thing comes in? (As in, is that where the "Old" Jedi Order is set??) Not sure when that particular story arc takes place but it's all rather confusing.
Wipin' the slate clean I thought the New Jedi Order was headed by Luke after Jedi.
Yeah, I Googled 'Grey Jedi' and found some cool pictures, such as that.
. . . Sorry, I watched The Force Awakens last night, and thought of you whenever I saw Rey! Sorry about that, but it was rather awkward. It's the profile image.
Anyway, oh yeah... I had a draft RP character for the SW RP Forum that might fit nicely under that description.
{JAMMERS! -Rome- ONLY!} Creeeeepy. Last night I was watching some of The Force Awakens. Hopefully we'll watch more today! And I'm sorry I'm spoiling TFA for you.
Ya know, I might not do it....long story. But you would still have dealing with me, and my sister would likely join the Grey Jedi.
{JIMMITY-JAMMERS! Stephanie ONLY!} Whoa, we must still be on the same brainwave. No, it's all good. But still kindo weird... I'll look away from your profile image now. I find people by their signatures, anyway.
That's fine. I was tossing up whether I'd actually join it or not, because technically my RP character is 'a rogue Jedi who can use 'darker' powers'. Sister? You have a sister on here?
Also, what is the SWRP to join for Jedi characters?
Yeah... Especially the licenced themes. $90NZD for the latest Star Wars A-Wing! Anyway, I'd love it if LEGO prices were like America's down here.
Are sets like hard to find down there or something? Or did they just randomly decide to overprice you by a ton?
Some sets are hard to find, even in our capital's main toy store. So to answer your questions..: yes, to both. We're just a small country, after all. So a toy such as LEGO is gold.
{JAMMERS! Ant-Maniaac ONLY!} Ooohh... This is hard, actually. Both would be good. I'm gonna have to say... Ant-Man, actually. I'm not too fond of Cassian.
I think I was bitten by a spider twice earlier. O_o Don't tell me I'm gonna help Spidey fight the Vulture!
Okay *takes deep breath* I have a little arachnophobia here. What kind of spider? And are you sick?
I don't know if it was really a spider since it looks like it had wings, but the bite was unusual and it really hurts! And yes, I got sick when I went home. Glad I didn't dream of spiders biting my bones.