April started off with a bang, as April 1st threw everything into mayhem with it's weird decor and confusing colors. It was all later revealed to be a joke, but it got a couple users seriously worried, myself included.
Changes in the staff: Ar9914 joined as Design Team, but MasterOshawott (Design Team) is no longer a member. Best of luck to her in life, and CON-grats to Ar on the promotion! Also, we have a new mod, Silisk (aka Tuvok). CON-grats to him too! :
A new rank has been rediscovered, Forestman! Sweetcrazy6 yet again was the first to that rank, we've yet to see anybody pass her up!
Also, all of the top 16 users are now over the 1000 post marker, and the top 6 are over the 2000! And finally, the top 3 are above 3000!
Editor's Pick:
"The Great Con Fanfiction," posted by Sweetcrazy6 for her dupe fangirlofcon, highlights a rather distorted view on yours truly.
The Sombrero Club is back! It was highly popular on the old MBs, and is back, full of old members who made it over!
The "Super Mega OP battle royale" is a new RP, which stuffs all other RPs into it, sounds exciting, right?
Birthdays for this month!
Happy birthday to all those folks, and have a great month of May!
Man, if I wrote a GOTG Vol. 2 review here, it would be featured here. But I didn't because I'm too lazy to. xD Glad these are continuing btw unlike what happened in the old MB's.
Man, if I wrote a GOTG Vol. 2 review here, it would be featured here. But I didn't because I'm too lazy to. xD Glad these are continuing btw unlike what happened in the old MB's.
Thanks for reading! And if you do write up a review, we might feature it on the next!