A short time ago in a country just across the Atlantic… SPOOF WARS *starts music* Wait,you didn’t want Uptown Funk? Ok,fine. *starts opening music* EPISODE 1 THE FANON MENACE Turmoil in the Republic! The Clone W…wait,that’s that’s the wrong film. Ok,start again… Turmoil in the Republic! The idiotic Trade Federation has decided to invade the peaceful planet of Naboo with a blockade of vast (and apparently undetectable) ships as a way of getting back at the Republic for blocking their trade routes!(which I cant really see existing with hyperspace and…ok,I’ll get on with it!) The Republic, after a majority vote, have decided to send 2 Jedi to negotiate with the Trade Federation viceroy,Nute Gunray:The hot-headed and reckless Obi-Wan Kenobi,and his hot-headed and reckless master,Qui-Gon Jinn. Wait,are those names seriously the right names? since when did we call Yoda Qel-Jon Yoda?actually,that dosnt sound…*gets cut off*
Above Naboo *Republic ship flies towards Trade Federation blockade* Qui-Gon Jinn: How did those things get there? Obi-Wan Kenobi:master,do not question the lore. Questioning the lore is the path to breaking the forth wall Qui-Gon Jinn:well spotted my young padawan *to pilot* take us in to land *ship lands in Trade Federation hanger* Qui-Gon Jinn:*walks down ramp with Obi-Wan behind* Battle droid commander: halt!*every Battle and Vulture droid in the hanger points their blasters at the Jedi* Obi-Wan Kenobi:we’re um…here to see…Nute…Gunray… Battle droid commander:they are here to negotiate. Do not fire Battle droid 2:roger roger Battle droid 3:roger roger *every battle droid on the ship says “roger roger”* Battle droid commander:*facepalm* don’t do that again! Battle droid 2:roger roger Battle droid 3:roger roger *every battle droid on the ship says “roger roger”* Qui-Gonn jinn:We’ll…um…go through then…*walks away with Obi-Wan* command centre of the ship Neimoidian:Jedi have come here to negotiate! What should we do? Nute Gunray:Tell a droid to lead them to the council room and gas them. Neimoidian:k.YOU! DROID! GO TAKE THE JEDI TO THE COUNCIL ROOM! Battle droid:roger roger *every battle droid on the ship says “roger roger”* Neimodian:not a battle droid! A protocol droid! Battle droid:roger roger *every battle droid on the ship says “roger roger”* Nute Gunray:*facepalm*