Who doesn't grow up with video games:O?! Two things essential when growing up: LEGO bricks and video games. I like Sony-exclusives as I have had a PS3 since it came out! My favorites are inFamous, LittleBig Planet, and Uncharted.
Other than a very select few games on the desktop, I never played video games.
Wow, this is shocking to me. I thought EVERY boy was addicted to video games from ages 10-15:P.
~l)~/\/~/-\~ The tie between real life and legos is imagination .
Depends on how you go about it? A free online fan game I think would be fine as long as you keep it generic....
I've thought about making a flash "street fighter" game with The LEGO Movie characters.
I was hoping to make a more multiplayer oriented game. Like another MMO like LU. For now though I can just practice using the language before trying to find out what I can do;).
Maybe I did know at the time but forgot:P. Didn't tons of people get banned for Nashtron? *looks it up* Wow, BB was lucky, everybody was perm banned besides him:O!
Everyone was perm banned? Seems a bit harsh. I probably was not on around that era.
Depends what you consider professional. I will definitely make and work on games in my free time, but as of now it's more a hobby as I am not making money off of it. I hope I can eventually though:). It will be hard though since I didn't go college and most companies want people with degrees:(.
Well, perhaps I shall have the opportunity to play a Diglett game one day