I think Rouge one is my fav Star Wars film but my fav overall film is Interstellar.
Obi Wan wasn't in it so number 2 still reigns for me!! I've never heard of interstellar what Is it about?
Oh yeah. Have you seen the trailer for The Last Jedi? Interstellar is a really really really really really really really really really really really cool Si-Fi film where basically earth is failing and they try to find another planet to live on. I'd recommend learning the theory of Realativity first though.
Obi Wan wasn't in it so number 2 still reigns for me!! I've never heard of interstellar what Is it about?
Oh yeah. Have you seen the trailer for The Last Jedi? Interstellar is a really really really really really really really really really really really cool Si-Fi film where basically earth is failing and they try to find another planet to live on. I'd recommend learning the theory of Realativity first though.
{SPOILERS for Interstellar! Click to show:} The moment when they realized the "mountains" on the first planet were waves was awesomely terrifying.
Also, the scene where Cooper watched all the messages from his kids that'd accumulated from the years that'd passed in hours . . . that was mind-bending.
Oh yeah. Have you seen the trailer for The Last Jedi? Interstellar is a really really really really really really really really really really really cool Si-Fi film where basically earth is failing and they try to find another planet to live on. I'd recommend learning the theory of Realativity first though.
Yes I have seen the trailer it looks awesome!!!!!
I'll have to look those both up:P
Yeah! I personally find it quite stupid that they decided to bring back Darth Vader though.
{SPOILERS for Interstellar! Click to show:}The moment when they realized the "mountains" on the first planet were waves was awesomely terrifying.
Also, the scene where Cooper watched all the messages from his kids that'd accumulated from the years that'd passed in hours . . . that was mind-bending.
{Spoiler Alert for Interstellar!} Oh yes. The music was mind-blowing for that part. Lets us give our thanks to "Bang and Olivson".
Yeah that bit was quite good too. For me its the Mountains bit (like you said) and the part where Cooper and Tars are in the "black hole" and literally every mystery in the film was unveiled. O o Also when Doctor Brown was on his deathbed that was rather terrifying as he told Murph that his equation was false. The "Imperfect lock" was good too.
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