And I was trolling you back. Tone of voice is impossible on the internet.
And speaking of Newt, what did you think of the Fantastic Beasts movie?
I thought it was amazing, probably better than most of the HP films. By "most," I mean excluding DHP2 and maybe PoA. Newt was fantastic (no pun intended) and Jacob was hilarious. The creatures were very interesting as well.
Same here, though in my personal and biased opinion, DHP2 isn't really that hard to top.
Credence was a real standout to me, too; and that first scene inside the case/zoo . . . wow.
I thought it was amazing, probably better than most of the HP films. By "most," I mean excluding DHP2 and maybe PoA. Newt was fantastic (no pun intended) and Jacob was hilarious. The creatures were very interesting as well.
Same here, though in my personal and biased opinion, DHP2 isn't really that hard to top.
Credence was a real standout to me, too; and that first scene inside the case/zoo . . . wow.
I thought DHP2 was amazing. They did an excellent job of capturing that epic feeling you got when reading about the leadup to the final battle.
Totally agree about the suitcase zoo scene. Absolutely brilliant.
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Welcome fellow users, to the Films, Authors, and Books Club! (Courtesy of Hunter) Come and discuss your favorite books and films! Talk about The Authors! Have a "FAB" time!
Welcome fellow users, to the Films, Authors, and Books Club! (Courtesy of Hunter) Come and discuss your favorite books and films! Talk about The Authors! Have a "FAB" time!