Welcome to Community Radio 101.1. Our sincere apologies in lack of news for the past week or so. Today is Saturday, July 15th, 2017. Happy Birthday to: WizemanII And now, for the news! The Francophile club! Do you like France? Ah, the beauty of Paris, the excellent history, and the famous bread, not to mention the eloquence of it's language. If you like France, join The Francophile club! Tweed founded this club, and members include jedimasterwolf, milbro081399 and FelipeDutra! "So it's been 5 years..." KllyTheAnn started a new topic, proclaiming he has been part of the Message Boards community for 5 years. "I've come to realize something: This community may have come together because of the LEGO Message Boards, but as long as we love this community and care for it, we can not only survive, but thrive in any corner of cyberspace for a very long time to come for the purist of hearts are capable of forming adamantine bonds that can withstand anything." That's the news!