This topic is for you to share your ideas on how to make this site better, in any way.
Your idea can be a way to increase user activity, a new feature, changing our systems, changing the site's design, adding new themes, or anything you'd like (as long as it doesn't go against our post rules). You can talk about your petitions here too, if you'd like. We'd love to hear your suggestions!
Also, this topic is technically not an official one, but I'm a senior staff and I'd like to hear your ideas, so, if I do like your idea and it's practical and possible, then I'll probably do it.
This topic is for you to share your ideas on how to make this site better, in any way.
Your idea can be a way to increase user activity, a new feature, changing our systems, changing the site's design, adding new themes, or anything you'd like (as long as it doesn't go against our post rules). You can talk about your petitions here too, if you'd like. We'd love to hear your suggestions!
Also, this topic is technically not an official one, but I'm a senior staff and I'd like to hear your ideas, so, if I do like your idea and it's practical and possible, then I'll probably do it.
Yay, you made this!
Let's hope the users don't suggest an overthrowing of the Modship. We can only afford one revolution a year.
This topic is for you to share your ideas on how to make this site better, in any way.
Your idea can be a way to increase user activity, a new feature, changing our systems, changing the site's design, adding new themes, or anything you'd like (as long as it doesn't go against our post rules). You can talk about your petitions here too, if you'd like. We'd love to hear your suggestions!
Also, this topic is technically not an official one, but I'm a senior staff and I'd like to hear your ideas, so, if I do like your idea and it's practical and possible, then I'll probably do it.
Yay, you made this!
Let's hope the users don't suggest an overthrowing of the Modship. We can only afford one revolution a year.