Continue The Story Game Rules- Each player comes up with the next line of a continuing story. Each line can only be under twenty words long. Let's begin!
Frodo sat by a blazing campfire while roasting an apple on the tip of his sword. When__
Continue The Story Game Rules- Each player comes up with the next line of a continuing story. Each line can only be under twenty words long. Let's begin!
Frodo sat by a blazing campfire while roasting an apple on the tip of his sword. When__
_Sam walked up to him and shook his head disapprovingly. ''No, no, that ain't 'ow you's cook's an apple!''
Continue The Story Game Rules- Each player comes up with the next line of a continuing story. Each line can only be under twenty words long. Let's begin!
Frodo sat by a blazing campfire while roasting an apple on the tip of his sword. When__
_Sam walked up to him and shook his head disapprovingly. ''No, no, that ain't 'ow you's cook's an apple!''
He grabbed the apple and_
Frodo stumbles backwards. " Oh Sam that really isn't fair, I don't like your attitude."