In the signature you can have any image, provided you give me an attachment or a url. You can have any font, font size, color, it can be bold, italics, underlined, striked, supscripted, supscripted, it can be all of these combined or some of these combined too.
I can make your text be like this: hi or like this:
In the signature you can have any image, provided you give me an attachment or a url. You can have any font, font size, color, it can be bold, italics, underlined, striked, supscripted, supscripted, it can be all of these combined or some of these combined too.
I can make your text be like this: hi or like this:
In the signature you can have any image, provided you give me an attachment or a url. You can have any font, font size, color, it can be bold, italics, underlined, striked, supscripted, supscripted, it can be all of these combined or some of these combined too.
I can make your text be like this: hi or like this:
Thank you all. Whenever you are ready you may post in this thread a request.
Just a warning...this sig would only be up for a week or so. Are you okay with that?? If so do you think you could make something to match my avvie? ^v^
Thank you all. Whenever you are ready you may post in this thread a request.
Just a warning...this sig would only be up for a week or so. Are you okay with that?? If so do you think you could make something to match my avvie? ^v^
Just a warning...this sig would only be up for a week or so. Are you okay with that?? If so do you think you could make something to match my avvie? ^v^