Ah, don’t worry about it! Knowing your work on here, I think it’ll be great! Are you using self publish? Meanwhile, Imma just keep practicing my writing on here. (Honestly though, I am starting to consider possibly uncensoring No Gravity and trying to get my own first publish with it...either that or writing something similar to it...)
Thanks! My mom is doing some of the illustrations with me. Yesh, self publish on something my dad found. Forgot what it was. XD (Good for you! I would look forward to books from fellow MBEians. )
I bet! (*waves of guilt crash over you* ) IT’S MILK THOUGH!!! (XD) How does one-? Nevermind, I’m not even gonna ask... One of those fancy refrigeraters that dispenses water into a cup...
(Now I do apparently. XD) Not all milk is created dairy. And you shouldn't, wise choice. WELL SHOOT!!! One'o them space machines??!! Jethro! Maggy!! Come see this alien come to visit us! We. come. in. pieces alien friend! Trade us your magical tech for our planet!! I'm kidding of course, we have those in the area, but not here in this house.
(Good....) IT’S. MILK. Glad to hear. Oh, k, you had me worried there for a sec...
Chapter Twenty-Five The First Mission Life is Life (part 6)
Cade took a few more deep breaths, he was breathing hard, but not labored. Closing his eyes to shut out the sweeping view surrounding the building roof he was on, he relaxed and let his mind enter into focus. There it was, he found the familiar peace inside himself that he could always tap into. For his powers, and his life. Holding onto that feeling and letting it wash over his insides he leapt into the air and by moving a certain way completed the flip to the side. Then he did a triple backflip, followed quickly by several rotations in a front flip. He practised flipping to either side and then stopped to catch his breath. Parkour was a spectacular, and solo, sport, meaning it was just down his alley. He had been doing it some years but as he went along, it became less an extra sport in his freetime and more a way to clear everything out. He did it every morning. Always alone, and usually in silence. He was tired yeah, but he was only half done with his dawn ritual and he knew there was still a lot of stamina not yet exerted, he’d been doing it long enough to gauge right. His shirt was suctioned to his skin and his hair was plastered down, he jerked his head flicking the hair and sweat out of his eyes. Taking another deep breath he started running toward the edge of the building pushing off with one foot he leaped out, hanging for an eternal second over the forty story drop, before landing with a thud and a roll on the lower rooftop he’d aimed for. He came up running from the roll and took off again running, jumping, zigzagging across the city. He flipped over low walls and practised getting down to the street, then wall jumping back up to the roofs. The last mile to his apartment involved running along a four inch wide rail. He flipped off the rail in a dismount outside the apartment complex. He attempted to wipe his face off with his sleeve while sliding the keycard to open the side gate. His shirt was pretty much just as soaked as his face, but it helped mop up the salt burning his eyes a little bit.