Right, This time the image should work . . . I hope.
AHahahaa, it finally works! Also very epic-looking. I feel like a lot of landspeeders I've seen typically have light-colored patterns, so this one is a cool contradiction.
Great, now I have diabetes. That's great! As always, lovin' those vivid colours. (UwU) You got the part where the yellow shows through the sheer pink down well. Is that just layering the two coloured markers? And in regards to the more realistic clothing style: I muchly approve since I've been doing it for years to achieve more realism to the minifigs.
And before I forget again, it seems I haven't saved those pics of Eagle Talon you shared a long while back, and they've mysteriously disappeared from the original post. (>.>) May I have them again?
XD Thank you! Yeah, I believe I colored the yellow first then layered the pink lightly over it. Thanks again--I think I may keep experimenting with this particular style, simply because it's fun. Might we get to see any of these mini-figs of yours?
Yes you may. U,U At least-- the ones I can scrounge up. For the life of me I can't recall the ones I shared here, so I just went back through the sketchbook and took pics of any I could find. Sorry if these weren't the ones you meant. xP
You're welcome! Ah cool... What brand markers do you use? Mmmm I support. I'm afraid not, but you'll see how I do it in my finalized avatar and signature.
YE' BOIIIIII, Talon showcase and HERO SHOT. Lookit Liana, that beautiful sightless angry child. (UwU) But I digress. Yes thank you these 're awesome. (^ ^) *Snatches them*
Oh heck what have I done. XD Sorry, now I feel bad. I do that all. the time. XD And it bugs me because it's only slightly off, but I can tell it can be better. AHHHOHHH I see it now. 'course it took a close-up to finally spot it.
You're welcome! :3 And another!! It's lovely! All the detail is a credit to your skill; seemingly subtle techniques such as using a yellow to the brown hair to give it a warmer/brighter look and a darker colour of the main area for the line art (something which I will implement as soon as I stop procrastinating. ) Great work!
Ah, thank you! It was perfect. (Oh, a happy birthday to him! )
Don't feel bad lol. I just need better erasers xD Ah yeah saaame!! Lol okay it's not as noticeable as I though, whew. Yeah, I have been drawing a lot lately. I have so much more time! Thank you :3 I am pretty proud of this one (I even got myself to draw hands, though they still need improvement ) I am glad I started coloring my art lately actually. I used to hate coloring... so easy to mess up! The next step is markers. Oh I'm glad! (Thank you, for him lol. )
Heh! XD This quarantine's awesome; I'm gonna come outta it with all the skills I'll be forced to perfect. You're welcome. And you should be. (^v^) (Well, for artists, ya gotta do 'em sometime. ) Yeee I'm tryin' ta get gud with my colouring too. I have to with all the projects I've planned. XD
Also, happy belated birthday RomeNZ ! ( It was only more then a week ago, that's not to long ago, right... )
Anyway, here's a drawing of Zym for you.
Whooooa!! Wasn't expecting this..! XD It's amazing! The colours are perfect, and I love the texture; it compliments the character of the skin (or, what I imagine it to be like in more detail.) Zym.., sho cyute (=3=)
I diiid try LDD ages ago... Around about when it first came out I think. Man those were the days. And the few small models I built were a far cry from anything the talented builders here can do, that's for sure.
I just thought I'd share with you part of my evolution of drawing minifigures digitally.
On the left is a minifigure I drew in two minutes on my very first smartphone more than ten years ago. This was back when touch-screen technology was just getting started and back when we still had physical keyboards on phones. Note that the sketchbook in the background was a background of a sketchbook, not a real sketchbook. The one on the right is one I drew after I actually sat down and took the time to draw a minifigure on a sheet of paper and then actually scan it into my computer, outline it, and color it with my computer.
The one on the right is obviously better, but the one on the left for some reason has this charm and nostalgia associated with it. Probably because it reminds me of middle school and beginning of high school.
It's great to see your improvement! I know what you mean about the sense of preference with your older piece. I have that with some of my art. But aside from that, the one on the left reminds me a little of a microfig from the old LEGO board games.
I just thought I'd share with you part of my evolution of drawing minifigures digitally.
On the left is a minifigure I drew in two minutes on my very first smartphone more than ten years ago. This was back when touch-screen technology was just getting started and back when we still had physical keyboards on phones. Note that the sketchbook in the background was a background of a sketchbook, not a real sketchbook. The one on the right is one I drew after I actually sat down and took the time to draw a minifigure on a sheet of paper and then actually scan it into my computer, outline it, and color it with my computer.
The one on the right is obviously better, but the one on the left for some reason has this charm and nostalgia associated with it. Probably because it reminds me of middle school and beginning of high school.
It's great to see your improvement! I know what you mean about the sense of preference with your older piece. I have that with some of my art. But aside from that, the one on the left reminds me a little of a microfig from the old LEGO board games.
Thanks! Yeah, sometimes your older works can be just as interesting of a piece as your newer works. Ah, I can see the microfig resemblence. I suppose he'd make for a pretty cute microfig piece.
I diiid try LDD ages ago... Around about when it first came out I think. Man those were the days. And the few small models I built were a far cry from anything the talented builders here can do, that's for sure.
Ha ha, yes, they were indeed the days.
I don't usually like building and\or creating things for my own entertainment, so I like it when I have something or someone to create it for, like a competition or something. (plus that really helps me to get it done )