“To my knowledge non are currently against us so your fine in that regard. As for the borg we have means of eradicating them from the galaxy. Permanently”
"Perfect, we currently have their planet under siege. Now, let's make it official." *Hands you a paper* OOC: It reads much like the paper on page 304. Say if you don't like anything and I can chamge it to fit your needs unless it is unreasonable. Drecnonia is also subjected to do the same things listed for your empire.
*The Temmies now have a mostly stable, two-story cardboard fortress that may or may not have anti-aircraft missiles* =P
*A Galaxy Squad patrol drops off 100 tons of cotton candy.*
*The Temmies thank them, and put some of it in the fortress, but then discover they can't fit all of it in, so they put the rest in the underground tunnel system* =P
OoC: Where do you get 100 tons of cotton candy?! =O Seriously, that's a lot of candy =P
"Perfect, we currently have their planet under siege. Now, let's make it official." *Hands you a paper* OOC: It reads much like the paper on page 304. Say if you don't like anything and I can chamge it to fit your needs unless it is unreasonable. Drecnonia is also subjected to do the same things listed for your empire.
He scans over the paper and signs it
"Thank you." He, in turns and signs it himself. He then hands the paper to the soldiers, they make a copy and give it to you. "Well, I can't wait to see the amazing things we will accomplish in the future." *Shakes hand*
I was an avid reader on the MBs and not a user. You will not recognize me but I will recognize you...
{JAMMERS! -@spyaz- ONLY!} "Very well then. These screens show what our scanners are detecting. The scanner, which you implant on either a ship or other device, emits an echo frequency, much like a bats, except this frequency is produced at a molecular level, so It reads not only the molecules of the phased item, but the molecules of surrounding atoms, detecting any abnormalities in the molecular composition of the surroundings. It also records the approximate speed at which the object could be traveling, if it is a missile or ship, or something of the sort. We can thereby, locate the approximate distance, speed, and get the general idea of what phase cloaked item is attacking/approaching us. Of course we can't see it, so we must aasume the type of missile, war ship, etc., that it might be. Although we usually suspect the most dangerous so we don't get surprised by anything unexpected. It reads items about 400 miles out. And if you can see it with the camera transmitters we have inserted at the molecular level, then we know it is not phased cloak and can see what it is." The screens beep and show a holographic model of a sphere like object and then about a yard on each side of its surroundings. The speed recorder has a zero on it. "Ah, looks like our ships have discovered something. This is what a medium cruiser is seeing in federation space as that is where our fleets are currently. You see the general shape of the object is a medium sized sphere, and, it is not moving as shown by the speedometer, it is also not a large or small linear shape meaning it is not a missile or a ship, so we assume it is a mine. And that is how it works." *The model suddenly dissipates* "That means they must have detonated the mine. Well, what do you think of our tech?"
I was an avid reader on the MBs and not a user. You will not recognize me but I will recognize you...
{JAMMERS! -@spyaz- ONLY!} "Very well then. These screens show what our scanners are detecting. The scanner, which you implant on either a ship or other device, emits an echo frequency, much like a bats, except this frequency is produced at a molecular level, so It reads not only the molecules of the phased item, but the molecules of surrounding atoms, detecting any abnormalities in the molecular composition of the surroundings. It also records the approximate speed at which the object could be traveling, if it is a missile or ship, or something of the sort. We can thereby, locate the approximate distance, speed, and get the general idea of what phase cloaked item is attacking/approaching us. Of course we can't see it, so we must aasume the type of missile, war ship, etc., that it might be. Although we usually suspect the most dangerous so we don't get surprised by anything unexpected. It reads items about 400 miles out. And if you can see it with the camera transmitters we have inserted at the molecular level, then we know it is not phased cloak and can see what it is." The screens beep and show a holographic model of a sphere like object and then about a yard on each side of its surroundings. The speed recorder has a zero on it. "Ah, looks like our ships have discovered something. This is what a medium cruiser is seeing in federation space as that is where our fleets are currently. You see the general shape of the object is a medium sized sphere, and, it is not moving as shown by the speedometer, it is also not a large or small linear shape meaning it is not a missile or a ship, so we assume it is a mine. And that is how it works." *The model suddenly dissipates* "That means they must have detonated the mine. Well, what do you think of our tech?"
{JAMMERS! -@spyaz- ONLY!} "Very well then. These screens show what our scanners are detecting. The scanner, which you implant on either a ship or other device, emits an echo frequency, much like a bats, except this frequency is produced at a molecular level, so It reads not only the molecules of the phased item, but the molecules of surrounding atoms, detecting any abnormalities in the molecular composition of the surroundings. It also records the approximate speed at which the object could be traveling, if it is a missile or ship, or something of the sort. We can thereby, locate the approximate distance, speed, and get the general idea of what phase cloaked item is attacking/approaching us. Of course we can't see it, so we must aasume the type of missile, war ship, etc., that it might be. Although we usually suspect the most dangerous so we don't get surprised by anything unexpected. It reads items about 400 miles out. And if you can see it with the camera transmitters we have inserted at the molecular level, then we know it is not phased cloak and can see what it is." The screens beep and show a holographic model of a sphere like object and then about a yard on each side of its surroundings. The speed recorder has a zero on it. "Ah, looks like our ships have discovered something. This is what a medium cruiser is seeing in federation space as that is where our fleets are currently. You see the general shape of the object is a medium sized sphere, and, it is not moving as shown by the speedometer, it is also not a large or small linear shape meaning it is not a missile or a ship, so we assume it is a mine. And that is how it works." *The model suddenly dissipates* "That means they must have detonated the mine. Well, what do you think of our tech?"