I would like to make an island port for my pirates too, along with a sea of mists topic. The Sea of Mists is a sea back then filled with unknown sea creatures, hidden islands, and most of all...Pirates! I can't remember if it was lore or if it was real, but I thought it was a real thing. It was called the Sea of mists because it seemed as though a constant fog rested on the sea, it was a graveyard for ships and I think it would be a good topic. My port would be located there if any of these topics are allowed.
I would like to make an island port for my pirates too, along with a sea of mists topic. The Sea of Mists is a sea back then filled with unknown sea creatures, hidden islands, and most of all...Pirates! I can't remember if it was lore or if it was real, but I thought it was a real thing. It was called the Sea of mists because it seemed as though a constant fog rested on the sea, it was a graveyard for ships and I think it would be a good topic. My port would be located there if any of these topics are allowed.
I would like to make an island port for my pirates too, along with a sea of mists topic. The Sea of Mists is a sea back then filled with unknown sea creatures, hidden islands, and most of all...Pirates! I can't remember if it was lore or if it was real, but I thought it was a real thing. It was called the Sea of mists because it seemed as though a constant fog rested on the sea, it was a graveyard for ships and I think it would be a good topic. My port would be located there if any of these topics are allowed.
I would like to make an island port for my pirates too, along with a sea of mists topic. The Sea of Mists is a sea back then filled with unknown sea creatures, hidden islands, and most of all...Pirates! I can't remember if it was lore or if it was real, but I thought it was a real thing. It was called the Sea of mists because it seemed as though a constant fog rested on the sea, it was a graveyard for ships and I think it would be a good topic. My port would be located there if any of these topics are allowed.
I would like to make an island port for my pirates too, along with a sea of mists topic. The Sea of Mists is a sea back then filled with unknown sea creatures, hidden islands, and most of all...Pirates! I can't remember if it was lore or if it was real, but I thought it was a real thing. It was called the Sea of mists because it seemed as though a constant fog rested on the sea, it was a graveyard for ships and I think it would be a good topic. My port would be located there if any of these topics are allowed.
I dislike the principle of “secret ports” for ships. I didn’t like that Guru posted his without even asking anyone. I’d say no.
Well, it wouldn't necessarily be secret, it would, just be hard to get too. I mean, not every Joe shmo would know how to get to it. Just, a lot of people don't like sailing into fog, which covers the sea of mists. It would be more of a place for pirates to go without being arrested. It would also be a place to store treasure.
I was an avid reader on the MBs and not a user. You will not recognize me but I will recognize you...
I dislike the principle of “secret ports” for ships. I didn’t like that Guru posted his without even asking anyone. I’d say no.
Well, it wouldn't necessarily be secret, it would, just be hard to get too. I mean, not every Joe shmo would know how to get to it. Just, a lot of people don't like sailing into fog, which covers the sea of mists. It would be more of a place for pirates to go without being arrested. It would also be a place to store treasure.
I’m fine with the Sea of Mists. Just not ports for pirate ships. If they have a port that no one can get to, then why leave?
Well, it wouldn't necessarily be secret, it would, just be hard to get too. I mean, not every Joe shmo would know how to get to it. Just, a lot of people don't like sailing into fog, which covers the sea of mists. It would be more of a place for pirates to go without being arrested. It would also be a place to store treasure.
I’m fine with the Sea of Mists. Just not ports for pirate ships. If they have a port that no one can get to, then why leave?
To raid ships and get more treasure. So is @animalhelper123's topic going to be locked?
I was an avid reader on the MBs and not a user. You will not recognize me but I will recognize you...
To raid ships and get more treasure. So is @animalhelper123 's topic going to be locked?
Why would it be locked. Who would even go to their port and never come out? I don't even think that's an argument.
The whole point of pirates is that they sail the seas, only making port when necessary. They can’t just have a port, which no one can find, to hole up. They live on their ship, on the sea.
Why would it be locked. Who would even go to their port and never come out? I don't even think that's an argument.
The whole point of pirates is that they sail the seas, only making port when necessary. They can’t just have a port, which no one can find, to hole up. They live on their ship, on the sea.
I've only gone to my port once. Nobody stays there. It's just like an emergency place to stop.
The whole point of pirates is that they sail the seas, only making port when necessary. They can’t just have a port, which no one can find, to hole up. They live on their ship, on the sea.
I've only gone to my port once. Nobody stays there. It's just like an emergency place to stop.
Why not go to any other port?
Also, the fact that no one can find it makes you virtually invincible while you are there.
I've only gone to my port once. Nobody stays there. It's just like an emergency place to stop.
Why not go to any other port?
Also, the fact that no one can find it makes you virtually invincible while you are there.
I'm seeing your point. Maybe there is a way to an agreement. Something that wouldn't be too convenient for the RPer, and not OP. Maybe if these ports are not secret and accessible to others? Maybe just a bit hard to find?