Welcome to the LMBE Christmas Party!! As I haven't seen any here I guess I shall make one now as I'd like to start partying way ahead of time. We'll make No ginger gingerbread cookies(don't ask. ) later on. But mostly I hope you guys all have fun!!!
Welcome to the LMBE Christmas Party!! As I haven't seen any here I guess I shall make one now as I'd like to start partying way ahead of time. We'll make No ginger gingerbread cookies(don't ask. ) later on. But mostly I hope you guys all have fun!!!
Welcome to the LMBE Christmas Party!! As I haven't seen any here I guess I shall make one now as I'd like to start partying way ahead of time. We'll make No ginger gingerbread cookies(don't ask. ) later on. But mostly I hope you guys all have fun!!!
Welcome to the LMBE Christmas Party!! As I haven't seen any here I guess I shall make one now as I'd like to start partying way ahead of time. We'll make No ginger gingerbread cookies(don't ask. ) later on. But mostly I hope you guys all have fun!!!
*Floating in space, a still minifigure twitches their claw hands. The shadow of a large Star Destroyer looms over the minifigure, and with its tractor beam lifts them inside. Within a hanger, two Imperial Officers murmur amongst each other, but are quickly silenced. Wiping frost from her brow, the found minifigure speaks.*
"They mocked me...my enforcement...too extreme. But the hand of the Captain never rests. There, in such a forsaken spot, is where we will regroup and launch a counter offense. The sheep, the leprechauns, Nanny McPhee...they will all see. The jingle bells have been rung—the Battle of Christmas Parties has begun..."
*As I casually walk the streets of CC, three parties suddenly spring up from the ground*
Must bosscrash!
*I blow up the door and jump inside, planting a Party Bosscrasher flag before leaving for the next*
*A squad of Death Troopers blast the flag into pieces. Surrounding the area with large ATTEs, the Leader of the squadron contacts the Star Destroyer through a comlink.*
"Sir, there is another here. They claim to be affiliated with something known as Bosscrash."
*On the bridge, The demoted Officer Butterfingers grits his teeth.*