This is a comedy, about storm troopers on the Death Star. Oh, and also Darth Vader.
Get ready to cry, from laughter, from how tragic it is! (10 bonus points if you get the reference) Nah, but seriously. This is gonna be funny!
Episode 1
"Both as an impregnable fortress and as a symbol of the Emperor's inviolable rule, the deep-space mobile battle station was an achievement on the order of any fashioned by the ancestral species that had unlocked the secret of hyperspace and opened the galaxy to exploration." ―Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin
Narrator: The Death Star. No moon. A space station. Built by the galactic empire to impose fear upon its subjects, it was some build. Completed in 0 BBY (find out what that means yourself, noob) it took many years to build. It was staffed by exactly 342,953 members of the Imperial Navy and Army and 25,984 Stormtroopers. I guess the Empire didn't do rounding. (another 10 bonus points if you got that reference) We, however, aren't focusing on the history of the Death Star. We are focusing on 2 Stormtroopers, on the Death Star! Greg and Dave. So sit back, grab your lightsaber, and fire when ready, for ep 1 of Empire.
Greg: So Dave, how are you?
Commander: You! Get over here! Yes, you, get over here!
Greg: *Walks over* Yes sir? I mean... Sir yes sir!
Commander: What's your ID number?
Greg: 107-4293.
Commander: Would Lord Vader like to hear that Stormtroopers 107-4293 was talking when he wasn't supposed to?