Is it just me, or is nothing happening? I'm only in New York, so maybe that's just slow, but is anyone actually still here? As a consequence of this confusion and disconnection, I'd like to resign as owner of the Daily Planet and all associated NPCs. Any takers?
Is it just me, or is nothing happening? I'm only in New York, so maybe that's just slow, but is anyone actually still here? As a consequence of this confusion and disconnection, I'd like to resign as owner of the Daily Planet and all associated NPCs. Any takers?
Activity has dropped since Drake left.
And the Bugle triumphs.
OOC: I feel like activity has dropped everywhere since Drake left. I was cheering for the Daily Bugle, yay.
Today is the 1st May. And we all know what that means.
Y’know the drill, state your activity within a week or lose your characters.
well, i don't know if i should state my activity when i really haven't been active anyway, i'll try to be active here again. while i'm thinking of it, has anyone claimed batgirl yet?