I have returned to the LMBE after a long period of hiatus, could someone fill me up on Anything that's happened during the summer?
Welcome back , I know what it's like to return after a while, but the best thing to do is jus throw yourself back in, I suppose. Well, astrokid12 was going to shut down the site just 'cause he was leaving, but after an uproar from the community we had a vote and Shamrock was elected Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Eternal.
I have returned to the LMBE after a long period of hiatus, could someone fill me up on Anything that's happened during the summer?
Welcome back , I know what it's like to return after a while, but the best thing to do is jus throw yourself back in, I suppose. Well, astrokid12 was going to shut down the site just 'cause he was leaving, but after an uproar from the community we had a vote and Shamrock was elected Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Eternal.
Welcome back , I know what it's like to return after a while, but the best thing to do is jus throw yourself back in, I suppose. Well, astrokid12 was going to shut down the site just 'cause he was leaving, but after an uproar from the community we had a vote and Shamrock was elected Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Eternal.
Lets hope Shamrock dosent turn into Emperor Palpatine.