Well, true. And I don't think Palpatine was completely lying.
I think he was lying completely. Otherwise why didn't he help Anakin actually save Padme if it was true?
Well, I mean, there's a couple obvious reasons for that, as well as some fun possible conjecture. The first obvious one is that he'd be keeping a weakness of Vader's in existence. Padme won't turn evil, and she could potentially eventually turn him back to the Light, or be even used as a hostage to manipulate Vader by the Rebels. The second obvious one would be that as long as she remained alive he wouldn't have fully given in to hate and anger, and thus not fully over to the Dark Side, making him less effective. All in all, Sidious couldn't benefit much from her continued existence, but it would provide a weakness in Vader, which is not something he wants.
Now for the fun conjecture. There's a theory I kind of like which explains away Padme dying from 'a broken heart' or 'giving up the will to live', which is kind of stretching realism. (And, yeah, okay, it IS a Space Opera, so it's not terribly realistic, I realize.) Essentially, the thought is that the way in which Sidious manipulates life with the Dark Side is by taking it away from Padme to keep Vader alive during the surgery after his injuries on Mustafar. There's some evidence in its favor which I can't remember at the moment, but could look for, and it just adds an extra layer to the whole thing in my opinion. Plus it's kinda fun.
I think he was lying completely. Otherwise why didn't he help Anakin actually save Padme if it was true?
Well, I mean, there's a couple obvious reasons for that, as well as some fun possible conjecture. The first obvious one is that he'd be keeping a weakness of Vader's in existence. Padme won't turn evil, and she could potentially eventually turn him back to the Light, or be even used as a hostage to manipulate Vader by the Rebels. The second obvious one would be that as long as she remained alive he wouldn't have fully given in to hate and anger, and thus not fully over to the Dark Side, making him less effective. All in all, Sidious couldn't benefit much from her continued existence, but it would provide a weakness in Vader, which is not something he wants.
Now for the fun conjecture. There's a theory I kind of like which explains away Padme dying from 'a broken heart' or 'giving up the will to live', which is kind of stretching realism. (And, yeah, okay, it IS a Space Opera, so it's not terribly realistic, I realize.) Essentially, the thought is that the way in which Sidious manipulates life with the Dark Side is by taking it away from Padme to keep Vader alive during the surgery after his injuries on Mustafar. There's some evidence in its favor which I can't remember at the moment, but could look for, and it just adds an extra layer to the whole thing in my opinion. Plus it's kinda fun.
Whoa, yeah... I've always kinda sorta thoufh Sheev might've long-distance-killed Padmé, to ensure that her children won't be a threat if they are trained by any surviving Jedi, but what you're saying is kinda believable!
Star Wars theories are fun, I agree.
Ignore everything I say, to the best of your ability.
I highly doubt it, he is still humanoid. If they didn't plan to have him die in Episode I, why did they have him get chopped in half and fall into a bottomless pit? If they really wanted him alive when it was originally made, they wouldn't have done that.
They didn't plan that at the time. They made the decision partially based on Legends comic series to bring Maul back in TCW, which was approved of by George Lucas because he felt the character was underused, given that he "died" in TPM.
He was dead though. Last I checked NOBODY could bring people back from the dead, not even George Lucas.
~l)~/\/~/-\~ The tie between real life and legos is imagination .
I think he was lying completely. Otherwise why didn't he help Anakin actually save Padme if it was true?
He already had Anakin on the Dark Side, why would he want to save his wife? To complicate things? He'd have to risk his life going aboard the Tantive IV with 2 jedi on board to save her, even if he could save OTHERS from death.
aaahhh... I love Star Wars debates.
It was a big risk not saving Padme. Anakin might have turned on him for not saving his wife like said he could.
~l)~/\/~/-\~ The tie between real life and legos is imagination .
I highly doubt it, he is still humanoid. If they didn't plan to have him die in Episode I, why did they have him get chopped in half and fall into a bottomless pit? If they really wanted him alive when it was originally made, they wouldn't have done that.
Yes, but humanoid is still not human. I mean, as far as I know, they never really delved into what differences humanoids had from humans in the SW canon beyond the obvious fact that he has horns and a couple other minor visual differences. I think it's plausible that they either have some healing mechanism or other weird difference, allowing a Zabrak to survive that type of injury. Of course, Biology is the field of science I generally consider least interesting, so I'm not exactly an expert, and if you know better for some reason, don't hesitate to correct me.
And I don't disagree that [smash]ing him was the original intention, of course it was, but I don't think that whether they originally wanted him alive is really all that relevant to whether it is plausible, as it stands.
Yes, but generally when characters in ANY movie fall into a giant pit and nothing else is said about them, they are dead:S. Name one other movie where that is false.
~l)~/\/~/-\~ The tie between real life and legos is imagination .
Yes, but humanoid is still not human. I mean, as far as I know, they never really delved into what differences humanoids had from humans in the SW canon beyond the obvious fact that he has horns and a couple other minor visual differences. I think it's plausible that they either have some healing mechanism or other weird difference, allowing a Zabrak to survive that type of injury. Of course, Biology is the field of science I generally consider least interesting, so I'm not exactly an expert, and if you know better for some reason, don't hesitate to correct me.
And I don't disagree that [smash]ing him was the original intention, of course it was, but I don't think that whether they originally wanted him alive is really all that relevant to whether it is plausible, as it stands.
Yes, but generally when characters in ANY movie fall into a giant pit and nothing else is said about them, they are dead:S. Name one other movie where that is false.
episode five
"May the downtrodden one day rise up and take the place of those that would oppress them."
They didn't plan that at the time. They made the decision partially based on Legends comic series to bring Maul back in TCW, which was approved of by George Lucas because he felt the character was underused, given that he "died" in TPM.
He was dead though. Last I checked NOBODY could bring people back from the dead, not even George Lucas.
Well, George Lucas kind of can then I guess.
Ignore everything I say, to the best of your ability.
He already had Anakin on the Dark Side, why would he want to save his wife? To complicate things? He'd have to risk his life going aboard the Tantive IV with 2 jedi on board to save her, even if he could save OTHERS from death.
aaahhh... I love Star Wars debates.
It was a big risk not saving Padme. Anakin might have turned on him for not saving his wife like said he could.
Padmé was Lightyears away, it's not unreasonable for Anni to think it was impossible for him. He believed he killed her, remember? And even if Anakin did turn against him, he JUST had his suit put on, he wasn't a threat at all.
Ignore everything I say, to the best of your ability.