The official phone number for Hero Factory was 1-888-4-HEROFACTORY, which I saw but never called. It was on their website and in LEGO Club magazines, so I'm sure somebody called it. So did you call it, and if so, what did you say?
I never did, though I thought about it. I'm guessing it was just recordings of the Heros or Zib talking. Maybe they could say they would help you, but it just seems like a gateway for lawsuits from crazy people. "I called Hero Factory, they said they were on their way! They didn't come! Mr. Supreme court judge, please make Lego give me a million dollars."
Yes, it was real. I called it once. I recall it led to a message from Zib, a character on the Hero Factory FM show asking you to report your emergency and make sure it was family friendly. Then, you'd give your message. They'd screen the calls and play the best ones on the next week's Hero Factory FM podcast (which you can find on youtube)