Welcome to the Sombrero Club, a super-fun chatroom for all sombrero-wearing users!!!
-You must wear a sombrero
-Other than that, it is a completely random chatroom
-But you can talk about sombreros and how awesome they are if you like
BrianG2402 made this on the original MBs, but sadly, he has turned to the Dark Side and no longer wears a sombrero. But the founder of the Sombrero Trend, TheGreatCon, fortunately still has one, even though it is mostly obscured by a chainsaw.
Welcome to the Sombrero Club, a super-fun chatroom for all sombrero-wearing users!!!
-You must wear a sombrero
-Other than that, it is a completely random chatroom
-But you can talk about sombreros and how awesome they are if you like
BrianG2402 made this on the original MBs, but sadly, he has turned to the Dark Side and no longer wears a sombrero. But the founder of the Sombrero Trend, TheGreatCon, fortunately still has one, even though it is mostly obscured by a chainsaw.