Hey guys, I am a junior mod now. This'll take some getting used to. Also, attempt number 2(?) to try to be more active. I've been uh, distracted, and busy.
Well, all advanced courses require some work to understand. You can't necessarily expect to "get" everything right off the bat. Some of the stuff I do took years for me to really understand halfway decently. What do you see yourself doing with CS?
That is true, but I just don't get math at all. Even basic algebra breaks my brain. Science is do-able though.
Currently I'm experience in web design and development, but I'd probably want to go into game development.
Hmm, if only there was something I could do to help boost activity... I mean, I certainly don't want to butt into conversations like I used to (I much prefer a speak when spoken to approach these days), or shamelessly spam... I'm sure I can think of something I can do to help.
Hey guys, I am a junior mod now. This'll take some getting used to. Also, attempt number 2(?) to try to be more active. I've been uh, distracted, and busy.
Hmm, if only there was something I could do to help boost activity... I mean, I certainly don't want to butt into conversations like I used to (I much prefer a speak when spoken to approach these days), or shamelessly spam... I'm sure I can think of something I can do to help.