Hey guys, I am a junior mod now. This'll take some getting used to. Also, attempt number 2(?) to try to be more active. I've been uh, distracted, and busy.
Well I watched some Star Wars in French so that was definitely interesting. XD I'm getting a new laptop, that's about all. Hbu?
Cool. Oh man, I don't know where to begin, I've actually been doing a lot here at college. Classes ( some more interesting than others ), martial arts, birthday parties ( one of which may or may not have included fireworks and being noisy outside ), I saw a play, and I've watched several movies, and there's been several events on campus I've gone to, and lots of socializing with friends. Also I've got a martial arts tournament tomorrow, among others things.
Really good actually. I think I kinda feel at home at college now and have figured out how to survive homework for the most part. Plus I've gotten to know some amazing people.
Edit: Wait, this one is from awhile ago, oops. Already replied to this I think..
That's good. Glad you're getting used to the college environment and the people there too.
Hey it worked! Did I ever mention that you were one of the users who inspired me to join the LMBs? I remember reading your posts all the time! So thank you, you changed my life in a way.
I'm about half a year late, but no problem! I'm glad I could help!
Well I watched some Star Wars in French so that was definitely interesting. XD I'm getting a new laptop, that's about all. Hbu?
Cool. Oh man, I don't know where to begin, I've actually been doing a lot here at college. Classes ( some more interesting than others ), martial arts, birthday parties ( one of which may or may not have included fireworks and being noisy outside ), I saw a play, and I've watched several movies, and there's been several events on campus I've gone to, and lots of socializing with friends. Also I've got a martial arts tournament tomorrow, among others things.
Wow! What are your favorite classes? Oooo fun fire work. What play? Oh good luck! Let me know how it goes.
Hmm, if only there was something I could do to help boost activity... I mean, I certainly don't want to butt into conversations like I used to (I much prefer a speak when spoken to approach these days), or shamelessly spam... I'm sure I can think of something I can do to help.
"Wise words by wise men write wise deeds in wise pen." —Lollimon the Wise