I would just ask your sister. Only good consequences can really come from it, so why not try?
I might, but she is still mad at me for singing too loud lately:P. I REALLY want to ask her to get a job at my amusement park. She said she wants to get a job scooping ice cream. My boss told me she could JUST work at the ice cream stand. I told her this last year, but her excuse was that she had gymnastics. Really just didn't want to work with me I think:S. This year she has no excuse though, and also no job, so maybe she will do it:D! She is going to college next year and has no cash, she could really use a summer job where you get good hours like you do at the amusement park:).
What were you singing too loud?
Also free ice cream!
Ignore everything I say, to the best of your ability.
Yes, I LOVE lemonade! Possibly my favorite drink, it's either that or lemon-lime Gatorade. Right now it's probably lemonade, and lucky for me the movie theater has a soda machine with lemonade:D! The amusement park only had soda for fountain drinks, so I only drank water:(.
Lemonade is better than any soda!
We get cans of lemonade to drink when we're thirsty...
Ignore everything I say, to the best of your ability.
I remember him mentioning it at the JW cafe when we all revealed what state we live in.
Was I there for that? I was on the JW forum for a LONG time, had the most likes there for a year or so. Then I kind of left for some reason, don't really remember why:S. I think it might have been too fast for me during the summer, and after that I just never came back.
this was last February I think.
I can't believe I had the same awful signature for nearly 8 years. Sorry for disappearing for 2 months, life happened for a bit.