With my knowledge of your aversion to paperwork, I was able to concoct a plan that would force you into completing similar tasks, thus causing you to relent.
Yes! I hit that wall pretty hard and I don't want it to swell up!
Oh... Well in that case of course!
Thank you. *Enters convenience store. Almost hits head on door frame.* Not this time! *Buys bag of ice. Exits store. Holds ice to forehead. Continues walking.*
With my knowledge of your aversion to paperwork, I was able to concoct a plan that would force you into completing similar tasks, thus causing you to relent.
Thank you. *Enters convenience store. Almost hits head on door frame.* Not this time! *Buys bag of ice. Exits store. Holds ice to forehead. Continues walking.*
What an exciting post.
No offence, you are kind of accident prone... I could tie pillows to you!
Are you rely tall enough to hit your head on a door frame?
With my knowledge of your aversion to paperwork, I was able to concoct a plan that would force you into completing similar tasks, thus causing you to relent.
"Truly you have a dizzying intellect."
This is true.
I have seen the movie, but I did have to look up the quote.
Thank you. *Enters convenience store. Almost hits head on door frame.* Not this time! *Buys bag of ice. Exits store. Holds ice to forehead. Continues walking.*
What an exciting post.
No offence, you are kind of accident prone... I could tie pillows to you!
Are you rely tall enough to hit your head on a door frame?
Oh, not a huger? Sorry. I don't think so... Were we!?
I mean, I don't hate hugs. I have no idea and I'm not going to read back through the quote chain to check.
But you don't like them? I under stand, I hate hugs. (It was the kitten, animals do strange things to me) Well I know we were waiting for your soul to heal but we're done now, and then I found Mr. Wiggly Pickle. and now we're here.