...The Mailman, who was still delivering packages mostly to...
... a dustbin who ate the mail because...
...it hated on the mailman for giving him a pepper-spray that was leaking, so Jay does the most logical thing he does to the sentient flame-throwing bin and does...
...it hated on the mailman for giving him a pepper-spray that was leaking, so Jay does the most logical thing he does to the sentient flame-throwing bin and does...
... A large burst of lightning to stun it into submission--which of course doesn't work, so then...
...it hated on the mailman for giving him a pepper-spray that was leaking, so Jay does the most logical thing he does to the sentient flame-throwing bin and does...
... A large burst of lightning to stun it into submission--which of course doesn't work, so then...
...and it's super effective, so Jay faints and wakes up later in...
...a giant chicken suit, and Jay wonders what the heck is going on when a portal opens and...
Jay accidentally trips inside and ends up inside of Pythor's Secret lair! Which was inside of Torchfire mountain. Pythor turned around and said... (done to keep the sentence from splitting)
...a giant chicken suit, and Jay wonders what the heck is going on when a portal opens and...
Jay accidentally trips inside and ends up inside of Pythor's Secret lair! Which was inside of Torchfire mountain. Pythor turned around and said... (done to keep the sentence from splitting)
"Oh, I'm terribly sorry to wake you from your nap, old chum, but I wanted to ask: how do you feel about being made into chicken soup?"
...a giant chicken suit, and Jay wonders what the heck is going on when a portal opens and...
Jay accidentally trips inside and ends up inside of Pythor's Secret lair! Which was inside of Torchfire mountain. Pythor turned around and said... (done to keep the sentence from splitting)