XD you should! I would buy that t-shirt! Ah. I usually eat marbled.
No. Furthur up. There’s a state in between me and California. What? But they’re so yummy! ...if I say “yes” will you eat it? It was a reference. XD Let smack it with a newspaper and put it out side.
ME TOO!! I'm one of those people that takes the skin off chicken because I can't stand the feeling of it.
XD Soooooo close, and yet so far. My guessing skills failed my this time. But.....the grubs. :X ........idk, depends on if your tricking me. (Oh... ) Ummmm...ok?
IKR!? Ugh, chicken skin...gross...
yes they did...i can’t believe you thought I was from California! XD is this just, like, a thing? Do I sound californian? Mods? THEY AREN’T GRUBS THEY ARE YUMMY SHRIMP! TRY THEM, IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE! No.....it’s totally popcorn!
Yeah, lego batman ref. It's how some people punish their animals.
Ik. Unless it's fried chicken!
Lol, Idk I seemed the best place to start. Not really, you just said the key words, coast, seafood, and stuff so I started at California. How will it change my life tho….. :X Uh huh…..carmel??
I always just call her Sweets. I wanna write a story now that revolves around a planet held together by duct tape. I call her sweetcrazy if she standing there. Jk. DO It!!!!
It's hard to tell whether people are sitting or standing over internet CONversations, mind you. It twould be enjotable, if I could find any sort of a plot to go with it.
I am hoping to avoid that. I wish there was a way to get money without the job...oh, wait, that's right, it's called stealing. I was foolish and young. That is a wise choice. Which I also happen to love. :3
I am still foolish and young, but I just haven't been bothered to even CONsider dating anybody yet. I haven't tried it yet, but after four years of college debt sets in, I might be desperate enough.
Ah, so both you and Sogel have stalked me now. I used to get the same "how do you know me so well" vibes from him...ironically, he has also claimed we live right next door.
Like I said, I didn't have the express purpose of reading your posts, I just wanted to tackle the challenge of reading through 200+ pages. Lol, we don't live right next door house wise, but our states are quite close.
Was this the cafe? Missouri touches 8 states and sits in the exact middle of the country, basically. I'm in the perfect position to be close to everybody.
Yes, and some of FF (the new and old one), and a wee bit of brick book, maybe some CC and lots of older forgotten things are my main sources, though I also theme hop and read old things in random themes too. Tru dat. I guess it'll be harder for you to figure out people's states then. You must be The Great CONnecter. :3 (Horrible I know. )
I haven't even dreamed of reading half of that. Though I think I have Brickbook archived on my USB possibly...
I’m a little concerned to. There’s something wrong with my brain, I think...
YEP! What? I only said you were and looked older... *gets hit by sponge* Owwie...yes...but seriously though, aren’t you older than me? (yeah, essa, rub it in everyone’s face... ) (NO!)
owwie... But...I don’t have to let you in... LOLZ Oof, really? *the tree is a tofu tree* Join the club. XD
FINE! I thinks so, a bit at least. (Okay if you really want me to. *rubs a bill in peoples face's* ) (YES!!)
MKM: No you don't, that's the best part. I take care of that part too! XD You just had to get all fancy. ....you want the truth? *climbs down and begins marching towards you*
No, I mean, like, medically! I already know there’s something wrong with my psychologically, silly Essa...
OK!!! You would be wrong then! (that’s...not what I meant... )
Now that’s just spooky Essa... Yes, I did! ...yes... *throws tofu at you*
Oh, lol, I have lot's of tiks tho so we could still start a club. Yep, that's me the silly goose Essa.
YES! Maybe!! (Is it not?! ) Hahahahahaha, not once you get used to it! No, I lied that they thanked you to make you feel better. *swerves and knocks you down and takes you to da cops*
I shall hang onto that for dear life. *yeah, that's me alright* I'll investigate it, don't worry. I shall fund this endeavour of yours. *You are surrounded by like people here* But can I trust you do handle the investigation?
That's good, I need money, maybe then I could afford to buy a white hatchback, instead of a red. *rejoices in weirdness of self and others* Of course, my username is "TheGreatCon" after all.
XD I fund your project, not your frivolous spending habits, I expect you to use this money accordingly. *lets the party begin* That's…….actually not really helping though. XD
What is my project again? *leaves party to go read good book* But there's the word "Great" in there!
Good! Remember it! *pulls out a new one* *ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP* IT’S NOT A ZAPPY THING, SAVAGE! (Sorta... jk... ) O.O NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU *dives under a rock*
O.O *locks all my doors...* ...I’m still waiting on your proof Essa... Sure. GAAAAA! *hits you wildly with sponge to make you stop zapping me* (XD the perfect answer to my boasting. ) *begins hitting rock into powder*
*pffff* Silly Nexo. Like that will work. I'm waiting for you to make it to the Practeeese Ophteen first...
good! *eats the sponge* ZAAAAAAAPPP! (glad to hear... XD ) *digs underground*
*barricades doors* O.O I literally just realized that that spells “Practice Often” XD and no, I’m too shy for that...
I know, it'd be awful. I'm glad you understand, most people just get super sarcastic about this to me. *fish advance in formation, with measured steps* No. It really doesn't tho.... XD OOOooo. >.O That is going to hurt in the morning! Get back in there and show them what you got!
You poor dear, you should get money from the government for your woes. What are friends for. XD *throws seaweed around in an attempt to distract/placate them* I get all my deodorant in that flavor. *gets epicly back to feet and charges back in*
I tried, they threw me out of the building. Sarcasm. *they gather the seaweed and weave a huge net out of it*
*stares at the word 'flavor' XD * Yeah go get em!! He's gonna die. Wow, those meanies, we ought sue. O.O Who me? Now, friends.
Did I misspell it? *somehow manages to ride one of them off the edge of a cliff*
I would, but, you know, they'd win. Yeah, who else? *they throw the net over you and start dragging you towards the water, whilst poking you with tridents and speaking guttural fishese*
Wow you are good! XD Rock or pop, for the Crayons. *poor crayons, I mean Jack. Yeah Jack is the injured human here we should all be worrying about. Oh…..well then I'll take you to……The mods?
To my core. Rock, heavy grinding rock. Oh, he's fine...physically. *Jack strokes crayons, tears streaming down his face*
I've got friends up there, so sure, yeah, I'm cool with that.
*court clerk puts it down as you having said it* Yeah, the female half of population. Everybody else, yes. *hits clerk with sponge until clerk fixes their mistake* Agreed on that. XD Not all bearded men are created equal thought. *borrows your sponge to beat judge into submission* I think there is no arguing that point. DISCRIMINATION! *points at you*