You should think carefully. I will be greatly disappointed should you fail me now.
Should you FALL me now...
WHY! You've been here only a few hours and already you bring down my empire! (I've been watching a lot of star wars lately, I think it's taking effect! )
WHY! You've been here only a few hours and already you bring down my empire! (I've been watching a lot of star wars lately, I think it's taking effect! )
WHY! You've been here only a few hours and already you bring down my empire! (I've been watching a lot of star wars lately, I think it's taking effect! )
Yep. Yeeessss....WATCH MOAR STARWARS...
Watching the eighth one now for the first time!!!!
I have CONsidered your request, and CON at blaster point gladly announce I have posted the desired moar. I CON't promise much for the future though.....