The Spud Mortem Nobis Unum Compound is where the Pax troopers, the soldiers of the S.M.N.U., reside and deploy from. This compound is like a mini city. It has a large tower in its center and multiple smaller buildings around it, from three levels and below, mostly all connected. It takes up about a 5 mile radius and it has the best security imaginable because Dr. Macksinbov created its defenses. It has detention cells designed specifically for each super hero. This is the beginning, of true justice, and of true avengence.
I will now quote a speech from the doctor himself, "They think they are better than us. They think they can be the source of destruction and be exempt from the irrevocable law of recompense. Now I know there are some among you who would say, 'But they save us! They are our heroes! Without them, we would perish!' But I say to you. Is there death before life? Were there super villains before there were superheroes? No. They brought the plague, they brought the curse! There would be no epidemic if there was no carrier! Now, let us rid ourselves of the origin of the problems and the problems themselves will slowly...disappear. Some say they are different than us, but I say to you...we are all the same. Spud Mortem Nobis Unum...In Death We Unite! They are no different." *creepy awesome villain music starts playing*
I was an avid reader on the MBs and not a user. You will not recognize me but I will recognize you...
-last edited on Mar 7, 2018 21:13:53 GMT by gurnechnaz
Post by gurnechnaz on Mar 7, 2018 21:12:15 GMT
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