Well, it doesn't fit in the canon of JJ either... :/
What?! That took me by surprise. Mine is either TOS or TNG. I also love DS9 and VOY, but I haven't watched DS9 or ENT as much as I would like.
Yesterday, I was at my local grocery store. I was wearing a sweater with a TNG combadge pin on it. An employee at the grocery store saw it and started talking with me about Star Trek. He is also boycotting Discovery.
Lets make it another universe then.
Why did it? Also ENT is the second best. That's pretty cool.
Let's just say it's a new sci-fi franchise that happens to have the star fleet logo everywhere.
Well, seeing as Tuvok is from VOY, I guess I just assumed that you like VOY the most. Enterprise, eh? Well, I have to admit that I have only seen the first two episodes of ENT. I hope to continue watching them someday.
I'm in the Ground floor though. Cool. What sort of stuff do you do with Mindstorms?
Same. It seems to have disappeared though. I could... If it was there.
Well, even if you are on the ground floor, air is still directly above you, right? Back in the day (2008 - 2012), I mainly built Mindstorms robots for FLL. Nowadays, I tinker with different mechanisms and robots. Recently, I started work on a robot inspired in a way by FRC Team 118's 2017 gear manipulator. What do you like to build with Mindstorms? BTW, I use an NXT.
Hmm... That's pretty funny that it's gone...
Yes... I do FLL. Hydro Dynamics is this years season. Well random contraptions, like tea making machines and such, but I'm also the designer of the robots for the FLL team. I have two NXT at home, but for the team I use EV3.
Why did it? Also ENT is the second best. That's pretty cool.
Let's just say it's a new sci-fi franchise that happens to have the star fleet logo everywhere.
Well, seeing as Tuvok is from VOY, I guess I just assumed that you like VOY the most. Enterprise, eh? Well, I have to admit that I have only seen the first two episodes of ENT. I hope to continue watching them someday.
I know.
What's your favorite Star Trek movie?
I like my idea better. I was just continuing my old username from the LMBs so I would be recognizable, I don't know why I chose Tuvok ok the old broads. First Contact
I like 'em. Don't love 'em, but I like 'em. Make Love is probs mah fave of theirs. It's just so chill and mellow.
Make Love? Haven't heard that one.
My favourite is Harder Better Faster Stronger.
That one's too loud and mainstream for me I generally don't like Techno and it's too techno for mah tastes. Make Love is from Human After All but it's a lot more acoustic with some actual piano in it and not a whole lot of electronic voiceover.
I remember the good ol' days talking with skulduggery and diglett and dwarfmine. I even had a user trying to dupe me and he got banned. His name was LegosProdigy48. ninjazane1415 had a heck of a time.
I also remember helga out by the lake oh Helga why did she leave me
I even posted in the topic when the first user had been banned. When the mods said he was banned we were all like don't make any sudden moves or they will BAN us
That one's too loud and mainstream for me I generally don't like Techno and it's too techno for mah tastes. Make Love is from Human After All but it's a lot more acoustic with some actual piano in it and not a whole lot of electronic voiceover.
That one's too loud and mainstream for me I generally don't like Techno and it's too techno for mah tastes. Make Love is from Human After All but it's a lot more acoustic with some actual piano in it and not a whole lot of electronic voiceover.
I like their song "Robot Rock." I've heard it MANY times at FRC Competitions.
Probably their best out of that album, Human After All.
Whats FRC again? Sorry, just I'm really uninformed.
FRC is an acronym that stands for FIRST Robotics Competition. Every January, FIRST (the organization that runs FRC) announces the game that will be played over the next year. After kickoff, teams, which consist of high school students and mentors, have a little over six weeks to strategize, prototype, design, build, program, and refine a robot to complete the tasks of the game. The 2017 game was called FIRST Steamworks, and it had a steampunk theme. The 2016 game was called FIRST Stronghold, which had a mideval theme. If you are interested in watching matches or robot reveal videos, you can search for them.