im like yuri, i read books, i like...collecting things to use....and i write poems, the only thing we dont have in common is that i dont have long hair apart from that, im ya girl
ouchie my heart hurts but alright set a task to make a poem and i will blow y'all outta this earth with my talent (i wrote poems when i was 13 and 14 and stuff)
can you make a mind-blowing poem with the words underneath, square, and painted?
like thine poet ponder and speak for a moment...
Painted like a picture she steps out into the open world the heads turned, although it was not wanted she wanted to blend in
underneath a pretty face but on top streaks of faded, dying colours that dimmed her light
and what once seemed like art turned the circles into squares she could not focus on the circles instead only the squares pushing her further down into negativity.
(i had to recall poetry class for this) (omg its terrible)
im like yuri, i read books, i like...collecting things to use....and i write poems, the only thing we dont have in common is that i dont have long hair apart from that, im ya girl