was referring to the story but hey why not both xD
don't worry, we're stuck writing this until the end of time but i should definitely get to work tho
*we both are sitting in beds in nursing homes with electronic devices hovering over our laps.* *I scroll through page 78,546* *"ultraagent03 posted: 'when are you going to write the next part'"* *begins typing an excuse* Nursing Home Worker: "What're you doing on the . . .?" Me: "THIS STORY WILL NEVER END"
come to think of it the the lack of a new part is pretty convenient considering I can't really write rn.
don't worry, we're stuck writing this until the end of time but i should definitely get to work tho
*we both are sitting in beds in nursing homes with electronic devices hovering over our laps.* *I scroll through page 78,546* *"ultraagent03 posted: 'when are you going to write the next part'"* *begins typing an excuse* Nursing Home Worker: "What're you doing on the . . .?" Me: "THIS STORY WILL NEVER END"
come to think of it the the lack of a new part is pretty convenient considering I can't really write rn.
don't worry, we're stuck writing this until the end of time but i should definitely get to work tho
*we both are sitting in beds in nursing homes with electronic devices hovering over our laps.* *I scroll through page 78,546* *"ultraagent03 posted: 'when are you going to write the next part'"* *begins typing an excuse* Nursing Home Worker: "What're you doing on the . . .?" Me: "THIS STORY WILL NEVER END"
come to think of it the the lack of a new part is pretty convenient considering I can't really write rn.
we have made a commitment that will last the rest of our lives