This is for all Disney quotes put your answers in jammers
It's not flying it falling, with style
Throw him over the cliff
M,mmm, Mowgli look out!!
Hop like a Cadillac sting like a Beaver
I can't go back to jail!!
Does anyone want gum?
Do you like Kung fu? Here's a pork chop!
Who are you? Im your worst nightmare
I loved talking with you because I could tell you a story over and over again because you would forget!
No I am a new super a different super
To the future!
im gonna get that Sullivan
Wheres my super suit?
Dont fight like a wolf fight like a man!
Thats not a song that's propaganda
What do you call a three humped camel?
Its in our dana
First of all you must know, that just because I'm a Disney fanatic doesn't mean I claim to know all the quotes. I try, but I'm not perfect, so don't be surprised if I miss some. And yes, do more! This was fun even though I didn't know all of them.
This is for all Disney quotes put your answers in jammers
It's not flying it falling, with style
Throw him over the cliff
M,mmm, Mowgli look out!!
Hop like a Cadillac sting like a Beaver
I can't go back to jail!!
Does anyone want gum?
Do you like Kung fu? Here's a pork chop!
Who are you? Im your worst nightmare
I loved talking with you because I could tell you a story over and over again because you would forget!
No I am a new super a different super
To the future!
im gonna get that Sullivan
Wheres my super suit?
Dont fight like a wolf fight like a man!
Thats not a song that's propaganda
What do you call a three humped camel?
Its in our dana
First of all you must know, that just because I'm a Disney fanatic doesn't mean I claim to know all the quotes. I try, but I'm not perfect, so don't be surprised if I miss some. And yes, do more! This was fun even though I didn't know all of them.
1. I've never seen a king of beasts with quite so little hair 2 I'm gonna get that Sullivan! 3 Well you are just the nicest space toy I've ever seen 4 Uh this is my niece Mr Waternoose 5 I'm a baboon and you are not 6 Hey Robin Hood you sure this is safe? 7 Let him go Baloo it's where he's meant to be 8 The striped cat shot out like a comet 9 What is this new holiday? 10 The king doesn't have to listen to little hornbills 11 TURBO TASTIC!! 12 You are one dynamite gal 13 He never knew his father! 14 I like a woman who can cook 15 You're an honor to us all 16 I'll make a man out of you Ping 17 What's a cowboy without his hat 18 I'm unallowed unable and unwelcome, pretty much everywhere 19 Where there tusks made groves rivers ran 20 Hey cousin Louie what a beat
{JAMMERS! Answers} 1. Buzz 2. ? 3. probably Bagheera 4. It's "Float like a Cadillac, Sting like a Beemer" and it's McQueen 5 and 6. Monsters U, 5 is Art and 6 is Squishy's mom 7 and 8. ? 9. That's close to something Destiny says 10. Close to something Syndrome says 11. Is it the kid from Meet the Robinsons that said he was a time travel spy but was actually the other kid's son? 12. Is it supposed to be Waternoose? 13. Frozone, duh 14. Um... is it from Mulan, maybe? 15. ? 16. Nick from Zootopia 17. That fox kid in Zootopia
{JAMMERS! Answers} 1. Buzz 2. ? 3. probably Bagheera 4. It's "Float like a Cadillac, Sting like a Beemer" and it's McQueen 5 and 6. Monsters U, 5 is Art and 6 is Squishy's mom 7 and 8. ? 9. That's close to something Destiny says 10. Close to something Syndrome says 11. Is it the kid from Meet the Robinsons that said he was a time travel spy but was actually the other kid's son? 12. Is it supposed to be Waternoose? 13. Frozone, duh 14. Um... is it from Mulan, maybe? 15. ? 16. Nick from Zootopia 17. That fox kid in Zootopia
{JAMMERS! Answers} 1. Buzz 2. ? 3. probably Bagheera 4. It's "Float like a Cadillac, Sting like a Beemer" and it's McQueen 5 and 6. Monsters U, 5 is Art and 6 is Squishy's mom 7 and 8. ? 9. That's close to something Destiny says 10. Close to something Syndrome says 11. Is it the kid from Meet the Robinsons that said he was a time travel spy but was actually the other kid's son? 12. Is it supposed to be Waternoose? 13. Frozone, duh 14. Um... is it from Mulan, maybe? 15. ? 16. Nick from Zootopia 17. That fox kid in Zootopia
1. I've never seen a king of beasts with quite so little hair 2 I'm gonna get that Sullivan! 3 Well you are just the nicest space toy I've ever seen 4 Uh this is my niece Mr Waternoose 5 I'm a baboon and you are not 6 Hey Robin Hood you sure this is safe? 7 Let him go Baloo it's where he's meant to be 8 The striped cat shot out like a comet 9 What is this new holiday? 10 The king doesn't have to listen to little hornbills 11 TURBO TASTIC!! 12 You are one dynamite gal 13 He never knew his father! 14 I like a woman who can cook over her looks 15 You're an honor to us all 16 I'll make a man out of you 17 What's a cowboy without his hat 18 I'm unallowed unable and unwelcome, pretty much everywhere 19 Where there tusks made groves rivers ran 20 Wow cousin Louie what a beat
1. I've never seen a king of beasts with quite so little hair 2 I'm gonna get that Sullivan! 3 Well you are just the nicest space toy I've ever seen 4 Uh this is my niece Mr Waternoose 5 I'm a baboon and you are not 6 Hey Robin Hood you sure this is safe? 7 Let him go Baloo it's where he's meant to be 8 The striped cat shot out like a comet 9 What is this new holiday? 10 The king doesn't have to listen to little hornbills 11 TURBO TASTIC!! 12 You are one dynamite gal 13 He never knew his father! 14 I like a woman who can cook over her looks 15 You're an honor to us all 16 I'll make a man out of you 17 What's a cowboy without his hat 18 I'm unallowed unable and unwelcome, pretty much everywhere 19 Where there tusks made groves rivers ran 20 Wow cousin Louie what a beat
Okay, let's see here. Eh, so again, I didn't do too well, but that's okay, it was fun.
{JAMMERS} 1. Zazu, yesss haha my time has come, my favorite Disney movie
2. You had this one in the last one, but I don't know who it is...
3. Woody? Or maybe Rex?
4. Seems like maybe Monsters University.
6. Umm, I can't remember exactly...was it Little John?
7. I'm guessing sounds like Bagheera.
8. Sounds familiar but I don't know.
9. Jack Skellington? IDK, it just sounds like something he would say but I don't think he actually does.
10. Umm, well, it's from The Lion King, but I must correct you on account of it's actually: "Kings don't need advice from little hornbills for a start!"
11. I know this one, I know this one.
12. Eh, sounds like Jessie, IDK xD
13. Anchor or Chum from Finding Nemo. I think it's Anchor.
14. Uh...I don't know xD
15. "You'll bring honor to us all!" Basically all the townspeople from Mulan.
16. Shang.
17. Buzz Lightyear
18. That one sounds familiar, but...
19. Bagheera in the live-action (I also LOVE this movie )
1. I've never seen a king of beasts with quite so little hair 2 I'm gonna get that Sullivan! 3 Well you are just the nicest space toy I've ever seen 4 Uh this is my niece Mr Waternoose 5 I'm a baboon and you are not 6 Hey Robin Hood you sure this is safe? 7 Let him go Baloo it's where he's meant to be. 8 The striped cat shot out like a comet 9 What is this new holiday? 10 The king doesn't have to listen to little hornbills 11 TURBO TASTIC!! 12 You are one dynamite gal 13 He never knew his father! 14 I like a woman who can cook over her looks 15 You're an honor to us all 16 I'll make a man out of you 17 What's a cowboy without his hat 18 I'm unallowed unable and unwelcome, pretty much everywhere 19 Where there tusks made groves rivers ran 20 Wow cousin Louie what a beat
Okay, let's see here. Eh, so again, I didn't do too well, but that's okay, it was fun.
{JAMMERS} 1. Zazu, yesss haha my time has come, my favorite Disney movie
2. You had this one in the last one, but I don't know who it is...
3. Woody? Or maybe Rex?
4. Seems like maybe Monsters University.
6. Umm, I can't remember exactly...was it Little John?
7. I'm guessing sounds like Bagheera.
8. Sounds familiar but I don't know.
9. Jack Skellington? IDK, it just sounds like something he would say but I don't think he actually does.
10. Umm, well, it's from The Lion King, but I must correct you on account of it's actually: "Kings don't need advice from little hornbills for a start!"
11. I know this one, I know this one.
12. Eh, sounds like Jessie, IDK xD
13. Anchor or Chum from Finding Nemo. I think it's Anchor.
14. Uh...I don't know xD
15. "You'll bring honor to us all!" Basically all the townspeople from Mulan.
16. Shang.
17. Buzz Lightyear
18. That one sounds familiar, but...
19. Bagheera in the live-action (I also LOVE this movie )
20. Mowgli
18 IS squishy 8 is vulture from JUNGLE book 2 is Randall 14 is Chien Po 14 is actually chum 4 is Sully Monsters inc 12 is fix it Felix 3 is Jesse 10 is correct the way I wrote it 11 king candy
{JAMMERS} 1. Zazu, yesss haha my time has come, my favorite Disney movie
2. You had this one in the last one, but I don't know who it is...
3. Woody? Or maybe Rex?
4. Seems like maybe Monsters University.
6. Umm, I can't remember exactly...was it Little John?
7. I'm guessing sounds like Bagheera.
8. Sounds familiar but I don't know.
9. Jack Skellington? IDK, it just sounds like something he would say but I don't think he actually does.
10. Umm, well, it's from The Lion King, but I must correct you on account of it's actually: "Kings don't need advice from little hornbills for a start!"
11. I know this one, I know this one.
12. Eh, sounds like Jessie, IDK xD
13. Anchor or Chum from Finding Nemo. I think it's Anchor.
14. Uh...I don't know xD
15. "You'll bring honor to us all!" Basically all the townspeople from Mulan.
16. Shang.
17. Buzz Lightyear
18. That one sounds familiar, but...
19. Bagheera in the live-action (I also LOVE this movie )
20. Mowgli
18 IS squishy 8 is vulture from JUNGLE book 2 is Randall 14 is Chien Po 14 is actually chum 4 is Sully Monsters inc 12 is fix it Felix 3 is Jesse 10 is correct the way I wrote it 11 king candy
8. Oh, that makes sense now. xD 14. But the lyric is "I couldn't care less what she'll wear or what she looks like, it all depends on what she cooks like!" 13. Ah, I get them confused. 4. *facepalm* That makes sense, I remember that part. 10. Actually it's not. The song lyric is the one mentioned above, and the only other quote I can think of that resembles it is "Well, he's a future king." "Yeah, so you have to do what I tell you!" 11. Ahh, again makes sense. Shoulda known...