I want to sue the MODs for doing their job properly and gettin' in da way of me breaking da rules.
You guys keep rejecting posts referencing other sites. And 'cause of you I got a post rejected 'cause you were forcin' me to tell you where everyone is movin' too. I also want to sue you for dat BTW.
I want to sue the MODs for doing there job properly and gettin' in da way of me breaking da rules.
Please do not continue this behaviour or you will be banned.
It would be a lot easier to obey the rules if you added more sites to the White List. I also want to sue you for misspelling behavior. I had better not misspell any words while I'm here.
Please do not continue this behaviour or you will be banned.
It would be a lot easier to obey the rules if you added more sites to the White List. I also want to sue you for misspelling behavior. I had better not misspell any words while I'm here.
Please do not continue this behaviour or you will be banned.
It would be a lot easier to obey the rules if you added more sites to the White List. I also want to sue you for misspelling behavior. I had better not misspell any words while I'm here.