
LotR Third Age Roleplay

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East Rhovanion East Rhovanion
46 Rex 0 1,303 Dec 15, 2017 16:57:59 GMT
by Khan Noonian Singh
South Rhovanion South Rhovanion South Rhovanion is, rather obviously, the southern po
31 Rex 0 974 Dec 15, 2017 16:57:45 GMT
by Khan Noonian Singh
West Rhovanion West Rhovanion West Rhovanion is the part of the Wilderland just east of Mirkwood. Little ca
108 Rex 0 2,117 Dec 15, 2017 16:57:27 GMT
by Khan Noonian Singh
The Brown Lands Copied (with small changes) from Tolkien Gateway: ''The Brown Lands (Sindarin Berennyr) or Noman-lands was a region east of the Anduin between Mirkwood to the north and the Emyn Muil
29 Shamrock 0 879 Dec 15, 2017 16:57:08 GMT
by Khan Noonian Singh
Central Mirkwood Central Mirkwood Central Mirkwood is a dark and mysterious place. Heavily wooded,
77 Rex 0 1,660 Dec 15, 2017 16:56:50 GMT
by Khan Noonian Singh
Vales of the Anduin Vales of the Anduin The Vales of the Anduin is the valley east of the Anduin, and farth
94 Rex 0 1,870 Dec 15, 2017 16:56:32 GMT
by Khan Noonian Singh
The Carrock ~ Beornings Sub HQ WELCOME TO THE CARROCK! The Carrock is the home of the Beornings, a race
39 8legos 1 1,224 Dec 15, 2017 16:55:54 GMT
by Khan Noonian Singh
Osgiliath Partly from Tolkien Gateway: Osgiliath was the old capital city of Gondor. The city straddled the Anduin River at a point approximately half way between the cities of Minas Anor to
293 Shamrock 0 4,098 Dec 9, 2017 14:58:40 GMT
by LegoBuilder
LotR Council of Evil in the Third Age (CETA) Yo fellow baddies, it's time to start planning. Make sure everything important is in jammers here. Let us commence plotting to take over Middle Earth. I'm MLB, leader of Harad an
162 masterlegobuilders 0 2,700 Dec 9, 2017 14:28:29 GMT
by marioman2126
Rhun: Easterlings HQ Rhûn refers to the little-known lands in eastern Middle-earth. Almost nothing of the lands beyond the great Sea of Rhûn is known. The western part of Rhûn iss given in maps of the
85 Deleted 0 1,812 Dec 9, 2017 14:26:26 GMT
by marioman2126
North Downs Welcome to the North Downs! A range of hills located in central Eriador, the North Downs was inhabited by men even prior to Numenorean settlement. Lit
80 emeraldeddie 0 1,703 Dec 8, 2017 22:26:01 GMT
by mythmaster1
Fangorn Forest | Ent Sub-HQ Fangorn Forest Fangorn is the mysterious and foreboding forest in the realm of Rohan. The strange creatures known as Ents dwell here and tend
21 Rex 1 781 Dec 7, 2017 22:57:40 GMT
by Shamrock
Wilderland Wilderland The Wilderland is the untamed land in the north between the Misty Mountains
57 Rex 0 1,186 Dec 5, 2017 15:12:06 GMT
by Khan Noonian Singh
Khand: Variags Sub-HQ Khand is the name of a land which lay to the south-east of Mordor and to the east of Near Harad. Little is known about Khand or its people, other than that they are allied uner the Banner
43 Deleted 1 1,180 Oct 29, 2017 21:32:33 GMT
by marioman2126
High Pass High Pass High Pass actually consists of two passes, one higher, the other lower. The averag
141 Rex 0 2,549 Oct 10, 2017 19:32:24 GMT
by mythmaster1
Rivendell | Bree Sub-HQ Rivendell In Elven, Imladris. The last homely hou
93 emeraldeddie 0 1,930 Sept 23, 2017 14:43:21 GMT
by mythmaster1
Pelargir Pelargir was built in S.A. 2350 as a haven of the Faithful. The King's Men established havens farther South. It had in its early days been a city only a few miles away from the coasts, but after the
50 LegoBuilder 0 1,094 Sept 15, 2017 22:22:06 GMT
by LegoBuilder
Tolfalas Tolfalas was a large island, also named in the form Tol Falas, that stood beyond the Ethir Anduin in the Bay of Belfalas. During the Drowning of Númenor Tolfalas was almost destroyed, and
38 LegoBuilder 0 891 Sept 15, 2017 22:20:26 GMT
by LegoBuilder
Lebennin Lebennin is a region and fiefdom in southern Gondor south of the Ered Nimrais between the Gilrain and the Anduin. Known as Fair Lebennin of the Five Streams, referring to the Five Rivers
252 LegoBuilder 0 3,876 Sept 15, 2017 22:18:49 GMT
by LegoBuilder
Harondor: South Gondor Welcome to Harondor! A land in the south of Gondor, Harondor has rivers to the north and south. To the north, it borders the Crossings of Poros and South Ithilien.
20 Shamrock 0 678 Sept 14, 2017 19:47:58 GMT
by Rex
Harad | Haradrim HQ Welcome to Harad, home of the Haradrim, the people famous for Oliphaunts and looking crazy :P Geography (From Tolkien Gateway) Harad was located south of Mor
26 masterlegobuilders 0 718 Sept 14, 2017 19:46:39 GMT
by Rex
Havens of Umbar | Harad Sub HQ Welcome to the home of the Corsairs of Umbar, infamous raiders of the sea. Description (From Tolkien Gateway) Umbar was located south of the outflow of Andui
35 masterlegobuilders 0 997 Sept 14, 2017 19:42:31 GMT
by Rex
icon_thread_hot   73 LegoBuilder 0 1,475 Sept 13, 2017 0:39:12 GMT
by LegoBuilder
Dale Northman HQ DALE HQ Welcome to Dale! Dale
43 8legos 3 1,022 Sept 12, 2017 19:19:29 GMT
by Sam
Forodwaith Welcome to Forodwaith! :P Also known as the Northern Waste, Forochel is basically just that--a cold wasteland far in the north. Due to a lingering a
99 emeraldeddie 1 2,235 Sept 11, 2017 23:16:20 GMT
by 8legos
Celduin Celduin Celduin is the vast expanse of land from its namesake the Celduin (River Runni
23 Rex 0 582 Sept 11, 2017 23:15:39 GMT
by 8legos
Dorwinion Dorwinion or Dor-Winion was a land in the east of Middle-Earth, famed for it's wine. It is surrounded by the River Running, meaning that Celduin is the only region it borders
16 Shamrock 0 681 Sept 11, 2017 23:15:16 GMT
by 8legos
Tharbad Welcome to Tharbad! Located at a ford on the river Gwathlo, Tharbad was constructed by Numenoreans during the 2nd Age. While important for a time, it
38 emeraldeddie 0 1,022 Sept 10, 2017 21:15:47 GMT
by masterlegobuilders
Minhiriath Welcome to Minhiriath! Once the home of vast woodlands, Minhiriath was gradually stripped of its forests by the Numenoreans, and only scattered patche
51 emeraldeddie 0 939 Sept 9, 2017 22:27:16 GMT
by KitKat
Dunland: Isengard Sub-HQ (Taken from Tolkien Gateway) Dunland was a part of Enedwaith east of the North-South Road, well south of the Glanduin and north of the Isen. It was a foothill region that fronted the western
50 mythmaster1 0 1,201 Sept 9, 2017 1:31:39 GMT
by Qui


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