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PROBLEM: Um.... For me none of the emotes are loading and it just shows they're short cut! :( Does anyone have this problem?
8 Deleted 3 497 Nov 26, 2017 0:09:11 GMT
by LegoAgentFigure
≈Poet/Songwriter Chat≈ Hello! This is a chat for all those poets and songwriters out there! Hop in and let's talk rhymes and music! As for me, I've been in the songwriting biz for almost 4 y
37 birdlover333 2 834 Nov 25, 2017 23:57:26 GMT
by LegoAgentFigure
I've Returned Some of you might remember an account by the name of "Scarlet," who was an amateur historian and stupid mod. :P  That account belonged to me, but I deleted it. I'd figure
6 Brave 4 234 Nov 25, 2017 16:46:18 GMT
by gurnechnaz
Guru's Advice Hello one and all if you have anything that you don't know what to do I can give you advice for I am very wise
8 Deleted 0 320 Nov 24, 2017 15:52:43 GMT
by Deleted
ADOPT A NEWBIE! Eternal Edition! We all know that ADOPT A NEWBIE was a very famous topic on the old Boards. Why? :S You see, everyone's been a newbie and most people know of the experiences that they've suffered! :P From being
21 Deleted 1 598 Nov 24, 2017 3:55:18 GMT
by LegoAgentFigure
How to write story's efficently (LMB How to's) So are you a slow typer? Or simply dont have the time to spend to write a good  big story?  Well here is a guide that I made in 5 minutes to show you how: &n
5 egorsmirnov 4 172 Nov 23, 2017 23:48:22 GMT
by LegoAgentFigure
Th3 Gam3r's Chatr00m This is the chatroom for all you gamers! Whether it's PS4 or Xbox One, PC or mobile, this is the place for you! Discuss your favourite games and share tips, tricks and reviews! Please only
18 themindgarage 2 904 Nov 23, 2017 23:37:58 GMT
by LegoAgentFigure
Advertise a Topic I think all of us know what this is, so I'll keep it short. :p Tell people of a thread you made, and they'll come to it. That's it, really. :p My topic: Ninjago
8 fantasius1111 2 385 Nov 23, 2017 23:33:11 GMT
by LegoAgentFigure
Vote Shamrock! Vote Shamrock! Choose a strong a decisive government! We have a strong and stable economy, and only Shamrock can provide that! We want independence! Keplers was banned, but neigh, Shamrock
1 Sam 1 149 Nov 23, 2017 23:25:33 GMT
by LegoAgentFigure
Show Topic Have you ever gotten a new sig or avatar that you would like to show off and didn't know where?? Well now you know please check out MY SIG AND AVATAR and comment on them and show us
0 Deleted 0 96 Nov 23, 2017 3:39:54 GMT
by Deleted
Peanuts Chatroom Hey welcome to the peanuts chat room I think you will all like it especially you @galactaknightfan8 Lets talk peanuts
23 Deleted 2 604 Nov 22, 2017 23:25:57 GMT
by Deleted
An Unfortunate Turn of Events... An Unfortunate Turn of Events... Hello, everyone. I regret to inform you that I will be retireing from the LMBE and other such chat sites. I cannot explain why; just know that
62 Judah 15 1,912 Nov 22, 2017 19:50:53 GMT
by LegoAgentFigure
Speech Podium Welcome to the speech podium! :D Here you make speeches! Retirement speeches, you name it!  Now talk away!
0 gurnechnaz 0 154 Nov 22, 2017 18:04:59 GMT
by gurnechnaz
Captain Swaggers Movie Reviews Hello all! :D  As you probably guessed from the title, here I shall review movies. Probably every week on a Sunday, but that might change. First
0 gurnechnaz 0 129 Nov 21, 2017 21:15:55 GMT
by gurnechnaz
New Theme Available! Hello Everyone! Team LMBE is proud to announce that we have a new theme available that will drastically change the appearance of the Lego Message Boards Eternal. Created by myself, and
16 Ben 3 993 Nov 21, 2017 17:23:01 GMT
by Jonmbost
Test the New Stuff!!! :D :P I think this place needs this badly because of all the new buttons.  :P Here you can test everything out.  :P For example:
18 K66 0 674 Nov 21, 2017 15:53:14 GMT
by Deleted
Stop Motion Animation Chat Room! Welcome to this chat room where you can talk about stop motion! :D What is stop motion?  *-) It is where someone takes a picture of an object, then moves it, takes a
10 Deleted 3 525 Nov 18, 2017 22:00:02 GMT
by gurnechnaz
Mod Spies Welcome to the chat room where the old LMB mods can't see us. I believe the Leader Mod sent the other mods here to spy on us. This is a roleplay where we are hiding from the old mods. Koolkanin
16 Deleted 0 880 Nov 18, 2017 19:26:49 GMT
by Deleted
Character Personalities and Discriptions I have never seen anyone do this before, so I want to... try this. :P Basically, this is if you need help coming up with a char
3 K66 2 416 Nov 15, 2017 11:43:03 GMT
by K66
My Lego Network - Memories club Who still remembers My Lego Network. Man I remember when  it shut down, I was mad, and I said: Whats next: The Lmb's will be shut down? And everyone said I was crazy, well look who got the last
31 egorsmirnov 4 1,042 Nov 9, 2017 21:55:02 GMT
by Hugh-Z
Halloween Theme As I assume you will have noticed, we now have a Halloween theme! Please thank @kingwja for designing it, and @ar9914 for the banner! Enjoy! Re
75 Shamrock 12 2,202 Nov 7, 2017 18:26:29 GMT
by kingwja
Alayna's HTML/BBCode Class Welcome To Alayna's HTML/BBCode Class! :D Are you not sure how people make their si
61 Alayna151 8 1,499 Nov 4, 2017 21:28:41 GMT
by Alayna151
Emote Requests :) Howdy do welcome to the place where you can make emote requests I would like a Yoda [bg] emote 
3 Deleted 4 296 Nov 4, 2017 15:35:15 GMT
by gurnechnaz
THE GRAND QUEST FOR DUMBLEDOOR115!!!! Probably a large number of you guys know who Dumbledoor115 is. He is an awesome user who has not found this wonderful website (at least that I know of). He is my adopted son, and as a caring
4 LuketheDuke424 1 349 Nov 4, 2017 4:33:23 GMT
by RomeNZ
Hey! Hello, I'm jrclontz. You may know me from the original LMB. I was looking for revivals for the site, and wowo. It's here. I'm excited to be part of this great community again, that I enjoyed for
1 JamesCube 3 182 Nov 4, 2017 4:24:54 GMT
by RomeNZ
Petition to be able to PM other friends This is a petition to be able to PM other users as long as it is appropriate and approved by mods. Also there should be more mods. -Guru :)
4 Deleted 3 255 Nov 3, 2017 22:15:24 GMT
by Deleted
Message Boards RP This was an idea on the old Boards that had my support. A RP sub-forum where you could RP as, wait for it, you. Your account. With your rank
6 gurnechnaz 1 232 Nov 3, 2017 17:39:34 GMT
by gurnechnaz
User Interviews Hey there it is your User Interview host, Guru. Today I would like to interview some of the two people who started this place the Admin @astrokid12 I have a few
14 Deleted 0 365 Nov 2, 2017 20:22:00 GMT
by egorsmirnov
MBE Halloween Party! Welcome to the LMBE Halloween Party! On the MBs, one of the major attractions in the Community Chat Forum was the parties, presided over by the Boss Party Crasher Crash-Ba
15 Shamrock 7 506 Nov 1, 2017 15:08:23 GMT
by Deleted
ReBrick Contests! Hi! Do you know the Official page of www.ReBrick.com? It's an official page about LEGO Contests!, there is alwas an active contest in which you can submit your entries to win awesome
7 yop1172 0 461 Oct 30, 2017 18:26:59 GMT
by Sam


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