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5 513 Eternal Anniversary Votes 2018
by TheFirstDecade
Dec 6, 2018 17:44:42 GMT
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Sept 3, 2024 14:25:26 GMT

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Subject Replies Author Likes Views Latest Post
I guess I’m back. Ok, change of plans. I saw the state of the SHRP, and thought to myself “they need me to return and save them”. So I returned and shall save them. I might go back to FF
10 gurnechnaz 5 396 Mar 1, 2018 20:54:52 GMT
by Sam
What have I done? After a lonf while thinking, I asked myself, "Have I left and impact on this site?" The answer is no. What have I done to help? How did I leave a mark? Am I needed here?
8 Deleted 0 345 Feb 28, 2018 19:02:33 GMT
by Deleted
SWEET'S MERCH SHOP Since I'm LMBE famous and filthy rich, I decided to give back to you guys and make some merch! Designs can be MS painted onto your current avatar with stunning pixel quality! Here ar
116 Sweets 5 1,801 Feb 28, 2018 5:44:58 GMT
by Deleted
How to fix jammers There is an issue with jammers, and I found a way how to read them / sorta fix. Its really simple: quote the post with jammers, then down at the bottom of the post page there is an
13 egorsmirnov 9 239 Feb 27, 2018 11:08:53 GMT
by Tweed
The Lego Eternal Board Awards So, the EBAs have been off a couple of months. The staff is doing their best to entertain us. But now it's my turn. *Music plays an I'm in a bowtie.* Here is the thing. I'll lay it on the
1 Deleted 0 120 Feb 26, 2018 23:51:58 GMT
by Deleted
Does Anyone Even Care That I'm Here?:( I'm kinda sad,to tell the truth... :'( I feel like NOBODY cares I'm here.... :( I mean,hardly anyone responds to my posts....It's just disappointing,kinda...And I wanna thank Emily for being my
124 Deleted 8 2,049 Feb 24, 2018 8:38:51 GMT
by legorebootedcp
Your 2018 goals? Hey. Sweets here. [*] :P I'm just curious if any of you have any 2018 goals. Feel free to share! Also, have a great and sweet new year!&n
132 Sweets 7 1,806 Feb 24, 2018 8:31:03 GMT
by legorebootedcp
Music Madness! Welcome fellow user, to Music Madness! The place of loud, weird, and somewhat musical notes. :P Come and talk, discuss, debate, about your favorite artists, singers, composers, s
1362 Sam 5 11,244 Feb 24, 2018 6:51:48 GMT
by Deleted
I'M NOT RETIRING Hey guys, I know that probably nobody cares, but there is a reason why I disappeared from here for the past week. I have Influinza B and something else, which doesn't look like it
2 Sogel Van Rome 1 133 Feb 23, 2018 20:55:29 GMT
by Sogel Van Rome
Grammar Police Well, I need something to keep me active, so I'm making a group of people who correct every spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistake they can find. Who wants to spend their time
114 sensaigarmadon 7 2,099 Feb 22, 2018 18:29:54 GMT
by TheMoggite
growing up hey guys. while i was gone this past week, i thought a bit about the place of this website in my life, and i realized something. i realized that this isn't the lego message boards. yes, it's the same
9 ultra 8 163 Feb 20, 2018 15:07:00 GMT
by Sweets
Valentine's Day Theme As we promised... We have a Valentine's Day surprise!   Our newest
22 Sam8432 8 754 Feb 16, 2018 20:47:20 GMT
by Sam
Applications Closing Hello, everyone! One week from today we will cease considering new staff applications. As such, we encourage you to send in applications before that point i
6 Helios 9 660 Feb 16, 2018 12:03:32 GMT
by Sam8432
Sorry... I must take a temporary leave of absence from this site. I will not return for several months. I will be online only to read posts. If I said why this post would be rejected. Goodbye.
29 gurnechnaz 9 883 Feb 15, 2018 21:48:16 GMT
by Judah
Where has Sweetcrazy6 gone? Hello. Wow. It's been awhile hasn't it? I guess I own you all an explination, since many of you I know but I am not in direct contact with you. Or you may have no intrest in where
237 Sweets 14 3,272 Feb 15, 2018 13:26:37 GMT
by legorebootedcp
Trial by fire RP. Hello all. And please sit Down and relax, for soon you will have no spare moments. I am Emma, MC of this tournament. Please post a short bio below if you
10 lilacolt7878 0 545 Feb 12, 2018 21:37:16 GMT
by lilacolt7878
Applications Opening Greetings to all, and a very Happy New Year to all of you lovely users. The LMB Eternal Team is pleased to announce that applications for the Moderation and Design Teams a
98 Shamrock 8 2,442 Feb 16, 2018 12:05:25 GMT
by Sam8432
The Administrative Transfer To the greatest community I have ever had the pleasure of participating in, Owing to a recent staff vote, Helios will soon be given control of the main administrative acco
83 Shamrock 18 2,323 Feb 7, 2018 12:08:50 GMT
by Helios
Galaxy Profiles: the files of Galaxy War so right now you may look at this thinking "why" but soon this will be used for bio`s(whether ship,weapon,person,or faction) as a archive for the RolePlay 
18 TG-5102 0 741 Feb 6, 2018 19:48:56 GMT
by TG-5102
Alayna's Art Shop! Welcome To Alayna's Art Shop! :D
96 Alayna151 6 2,566 Feb 4, 2018 13:23:00 GMT
by Deleted
LMBE Birthday Party! Today is a very special day for LMBE- its birthday!  [~] <:o) On January 5th, 2017, after the closure of the MBs was announced, LMBE was created by our four founders-&
165 Sam8432 12 2,657 Feb 4, 2018 2:34:56 GMT
by legorebootedcp
Who Am I? (LMBE User Guessing Game) No, I am not having an existential crisis, this is a guessing game where someone (me to begin with) lists 5 facts about an LMBE or ex-LMBE user. The rest of us will have guess who the facts are about
105 Hugh-Z 2 2,640 Feb 3, 2018 21:15:40 GMT
by Sweets
Start Here! Attention, all LEGO Message Boards Users! As the LMBs will be shutting down at the end of February, 2017, several users have created this page in an attempt to archive the LEGO Message
599 Admin 6 7,575 Feb 2, 2018 16:18:03 GMT
by Deleted
An Unfortunate Farewell Hello everyone. Due to an unexpected family imbroglio, I will not be able to be as active here as I would like. School is catching up with me and all the extra-curricular activities are limiting my
29 Torahvision 18 1,171 Jan 31, 2018 23:01:28 GMT
by Deleted
Dynamic Duo and Squad Chat So, we all have some Dynamic Duo. Mine, for example is @henny4315 . A Dynamic Duo is that friend that both of you together cause complete chaos.
21 Deleted 1 650 Jan 29, 2018 20:05:04 GMT
by Deleted
If each user had an emote what would it look like? So if every user had an emote what would it look like? If I had an emote it would look like a bucking horse with a cowboy silhouette. What would yours look like and what would mine look like in your
90 Deleted 6 1,914 Jan 29, 2018 15:47:59 GMT
by ninjalegoboy9389
February goals! On the old LMBs, people would post these topics so users could make LMBE goals for the next month and people stopped doing it here, so I'm b
4 Sweets 0 397 Jan 28, 2018 15:30:29 GMT
by Deleted
Meh...WHYY I Went Inactive!;P:/ Ugh,life...it's so annoying!yea i got banned from the Lego Gallery!:/:/And my grandpa is really sick with cancer!:(soo,I am back!;DAnd its Christmas break!i am seeing last jedi tomorrow!:Dhave you
19 Deleted 3 447 Jan 28, 2018 15:19:00 GMT
by Deleted
Should I use my rank? Or my RP Rep title Should I use my rank? Or my Pirates RP Rep title? Oh and for the staff, when do I get my RP Rep badge? Please vote,            
4 Deleted 1 130 Jan 27, 2018 4:00:53 GMT
by Deleted
Petition for a Cucumber emote! Anyone remember M4JESUS? I do. :P He loved cucumbers, so much that he wrote “CUCUMBERMAN ~ A story” and wanted a cucumber emote. So I want to honour him, by petitioning for a
51 gurnechnaz 5 1,183 Jan 23, 2018 0:22:15 GMT
by Sam8432


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