Here you can create a weapon using your keyboard keys...
Hello archs! I'm Phantom. So how do you make weapons with a keyboard?
Hi Phantom, here's how to create a weapon. On the number line of your keyboard there are symbols above the numbers, by holding the arrow just under caps lock you can press the symbols you need to make your weapon. Hope this is helpfull.
Hello archs! I'm Phantom. So how do you make weapons with a keyboard?
Hi Phantom, here's how to create a weapon. On the number line of your keyboard there are symbols above the numbers, by holding the arrow just under caps lock you can press the symbols you need to make your weapon. Hope this is helpfull.
So # is a weapon! Or did I totally misunderstand and botch everything?
Hi Phantom, here's how to create a weapon. On the number line of your keyboard there are symbols above the numbers, by holding the arrow just under caps lock you can press the symbols you need to make your weapon. Hope this is helpfull.
So # is a weapon! Or did I totally misunderstand and botch everything?