Welcome newbies! If you have been directed here by a member of the roleplay, then you are most likely new to the Super Heroes Roleplay!
First of all, welcome to our roleplay! We are glad you are here, and we hope you will become an involved and dedicated member!
If you are looking for the roleplay rules, see "Rules and Guidelines".
If you would like to submit a new character or claim your favorites, go to the "Profile Archives".
If you are looking to add a new topic to the roleplay, go to the "Roleplay Control Center".
If you are looking for info on current or recent events, see "The Daily Planet" and "Daily Bugle Communications", our two news sources.
If you would like to be trained by a member of the RP, then just say so! We'll set you up on a training mission playing as the character of your choice!
Once again, welcome to the roleplay!
Note: To you team leaders out there, feel free to post advertisements for your team if you're looking for new members!
Another note: To you trainers out there, here are a couple training missions you can give the newbies.
HERO MISSION: Hero (newbie) starts in an HQ. Hero receives an alert. A villain (trainer) is robbing the bank. Hero gets to choose what vehicles or gadgets he wants to bring, then leaves to the scene of the crime. Hero fights villain, and is instructed on how to fight fairly and properly. Hero defeats villain, mission ends.
VILLAIN MISSION: Villain (newbie) starts in an HQ. Villain plots to steal a diamond from the museum. After planning, executes crime. A hero (trainer) shows up and the two battle, while villain is instructed on how to fight fairly and properly. Hero is defeated, robbery complete, mission ends.
(Note: This post is an official topic of the SHaRP.)