Yay, Con is here!!! Con, will you help us orchestrate the Great Sombrero Revival? We must get people to put sombreros on their avvies! It will be harder now that they're not all LEGO people, though.
I can try to help. What do you need me to do? Hold a sign? I'm good at that.
Due to internet time cuts, CON Inc. is going to only be active in one area....here.
Anybody wanna chat?
Hey Con. WelCON back.
Man, it's been a while since we've actually had a CONversation with moar then five posts strung together in a quote chain.
*Awk-ward silence for a moment*
Uhh, sorry I haven't made that Jurassic World Stop Motion video I promised I would yet. But it is coming sometime later this year when I do a re-boot of my channel. My Stop Motion has improved slightly lately, but my Gmail and YouTube account I messed up by accident.
Also, sorry that I haven't finished that Emilio story yet... Or started that other story I said I was gonna make... Or edited my Jurassic Park story "Hunted" that I was probably-maybe-sort-of going to finish.
Yay, Con is here!!! Con, will you help us orchestrate the Great Sombrero Revival? We must get people to put sombreros on their avvies! It will be harder now that they're not all LEGO people, though.
I can try to help. What do you need me to do? Hold a sign? I'm good at that.
Um.........sure! Mostly just get people to put sombreros on their avvies.