Location: Bee's Car, somewhere on the highway: 3:40 PM
TOLK: Zzzzz.
PUSS: Zzzzz.
BEE: .....:*yawns* *his phone rings* Where's the snooze? Oh! *answers the phone* Hello?
BUBSEY: Bee? Is that you?
BEE: No, it's some guy who sounds just like me and has my phone.
BUBSEY: Really?!?!
BEE: No.
BUBSEY: I say! You scared me for a bit. I thought I had better warn you that Camp MB is no ordinary recreational living space.
BEE: Really? Where are you by the way?
BUBSEY: Oh, just living in class and style as usual!
*cuts to Bubsey, Webby, AE, Johny and Maj sitting in dumpster*
WEBBY: It stinks in here.
BEE: What was that?
BUBSEY: Pay him no heed, it's marvelous here.
MAJ: I don't like it here very much.
BUBSEY: As I was saying...*glares at Maj* There is a hole in the saneosphere above the camp, it could cause a lot of commotion because- Wait a moment, someone else is trying communicate. Nerd... It's from the Moderation team.
BEE: How could it cause trouble?
BUBSEY: I really must take this call, I'll tell you sometime. Probably after the information is crucial to your well-being. I'll call you back later. Cheerio.
BEE: Hm, I wonder what the Mods want. *the car runs off a cliff* OH MY FREAKING GOSH!!!
BEE: Ow... *looks up at a fluffeh bunneh standing over him*
FLUFFEH BUNNEH: You must leave now, this place is crawling with monsters... *hops away*
BEE: Say what now?
TOLK: Owieowieowieowie. *reaches for her backpack* Must have nourishment, get my strength back. *picks up a sandwich* Yummeh!
*the sandwich sprouts legs and runs away*
TOLK: Last time I go shopping at Brick-mart.
BEE: What just happened?
TOLK: My sandwich ran away, the little brat.
BEE: Something is seriously wrong with this place...
PUSS: *wakes up suddenly* Hey dawgs, decided to go camping did ya? Well that's cool all right, I always wanted to try my hand at camp-fire songs anyway. *sits on a log and strums a banjo*
BEE: Uh, where'd you get the banjo?
PUSS: ... No idea. *sings to the tune of Clementine*
"Near a clinic,
in a metro,
working on a crooked spine,
there lived a doctor, a chiroproctor
and his pet porcupine! "
*Marshmellow monsters creep up from behind the bushes*
TOLK: Oh my Galifrayan ice cream.
BEE: Run!
*the monsters chase them away*
PUSS: "Oh mah darlin', oh mah darlin', oh mah darlin' Porcupine, first I had you then I lost you, hope to pet you once again"... Where did everybody go?
PUSS: Man, nobody appreciates good music anymore. I'll just sit on this log and hope nothin' crazy happens.
*the log starts floating in the air for literally no reason*
PUSS: Of course it's not like anything crazier could happen, I've already had my friends leave while I was jamming with a sick tune, nothing could top the insanity of that. I wonder- *looks down* Great. Just great.
*cuts back to Bee and Tolk*
*they pull out marshmallow-machine-guns*
BEE: *starts shooting*
TOLK: *shoots* It's not workinggg! *suddenly gets gobbled up by a marshmallow monster*
BEE: O_O...
*the marshmallow monster jerks around then spits out Tolk*
TOLK: Take that!
*the marshmallow monster lies down with a stomach ache*
BEE: Now what? We still need to find wherever they're keeping the prisoners.
TOLK: Hey look! A friend detector! *picks it up*
*it explodes*
BEE: Looks like the warranty expired.
*a fluffeh bunneh apears*
TOLK: Look! It's teh fluffeh bunneh again!
FLUFFEH BUNNEH: I know how to find your friends. :3
BEE: For real?
FLUFFEH BUNNEH: Yes, I'll take you to them.
ZANEY: *pops up out of nowhere* Ta-dah! *somehow turns the bunneh back into BattleTruckGalactia*
BTG: Sorry, boss's orders. *pulls out a pocket cage and traps them*
-last edited on Jul 24, 2017 22:05:20 GMT by ninjay25
Post by ninjay25 on Jul 24, 2017 22:04:44 GMT
Location: MB Courtroom 4:50 PM
*Bubsey and Johny take a seat in the defense attorney stand*
BUBSEY: ....
JOHNY: ...... *pulls out a DS and starts playing*
BUBSEY: *elbows him*
*the judge takes a seat*
VOICE: Presenting... his justfullness... The Chief Justice... Supreme Mod Commander... Keighlian!
JUDGE KEIGHLIAN: Thank you, thank you, order in the court. *pounds his hammer* Tap tap tap.
THE JURY: Grrrrrrr.
KEIGHLIAN: We are here to discuss the recent locking of the famous living, meeting and assembly area; Finding Friendships. Reported by AgentRay. Prosecution, you may commence with the accusations. *pounds the hammer* Tap tap tap.
*AgentRay stands up*
KEIGHLIAN: Overruled. *pounds his hammer* Tap tap tap.
JOSIAH: * from somewhere in the back* OH NO. THIS IS NOT A FAIR TRIAL!!!
AR: Thank you, thank you. I must hurry, I don't have much time. I would like to start by saying: The people of FF are evil and stupid!
AR: Thank you for your agreement, person who I did not talk to previously. Jury, what do you say?
KEIGHLIAN: Where are the other members of said topic? Grrrr.
BUBSEY: Em, they sort of got kidnapped.
AR: That is a total 100% lie!
KEIGHLIAN: Who abducted them?
BUBSEY: We are not sure, but we do know that they were taken to Camp MB.
KEIGHLIAN: *takes a sip of coffee and spits it out* No!
BUBSEY: Indeed. They were taken last night, and my other companions are on a decidedly epic quest to rescue them.
KEIGHLIAN: His claims have credibility, we shall meet at 7:00 this evening at Camp MB to further investigate these claims. *pounds his hammer* Tap tap tap. Court closed.
NINJAY: Sure wish I had a harmonica. And some songs. And some skill at playing it.
LUKE MCSWAGGER: *typing on his phone* status: feeling stuck
BEE: Never thought it would come to this. You okay Tolk?
TOLK: Zzzzzzzz.
BEE: You know this starting to get annoying.
DARTHY: Still not feeling guilty about locking people up in the closet.
STEAM: See you're off the pizza.
DARTHY: I... Ran out.
BEE: Never thought it would come to this.
*the door opens and an unknown person comes in*
EVERYONE ELSE: Skul, we know.
SKUL: O_O How did you... *puts on his skull mask* You may guess my secret identity, but you will never win the war!
BEE: What are you talking about?
SKUL: I saw on TV, The Supreme Mod Commander is coming here in a few hours, then me and my army will tell him all the evil things about you that I made up and then they will never unlock your topic! And I shall exact my revenge on you guys for doing things I don't like! I just thought I'd tell you all my plans before I put them into motion because I couldn't see any possible way that you knowing them would give you a chance to stop them. Toodaloo! *leaves and locks the door*
*JCF gets a text from Skul:
SKUL: jcf y u btray me
*Ninjay looks over her shoulder at the phone*
JCF: *texts* cuz i neded 2
SKUL: y u no luv me anymor
JCF: i fownd som1 els
SKUL: jcf dont do tis to meh : ' (
JCF: i dont like u no more by *turns off her phone*
NINJAY: She wasn't talking about you, Luke.
BEE: Now Skul is going to kidnap everyone else too and I can't stop him.
DARTHY: Bee, would you stop whining/angsting? It's getting on my nerves. Besides, he's only after us.
BEE: What? Why?
NINJAY: Because we used to be his friends. Dun dun DUN!
-last edited on Jul 26, 2017 14:51:35 GMT by ninjay25
Post by ninjay25 on Jul 26, 2017 14:50:34 GMT
*flashback to Camp MB back in the old days*
JCF: On the surface, Camp MB has always looked like a fairly normal place. but strange things can happen there.
BEE: I know that by now.
JCF: Stop interrupting. It's annoying. Ahem, the reason for all this strangeness you ask? (it's rhetorical, don't interrupt again,) There is a hole in the saneousphere, the atmospheric lair in the sky that keeps all insanity and laws-of-physics-and-sense defying things from happening. With the hole in the sanousphere above the Camp, anything could happen. A guy named Dude747-
*cuts to Dude swaggering through the camp with a crown on his head*
DUDE: Hey.
JCF: Ahem, Dude took over the camp and became king.
DUDE: Hey, I'm the King. *goes and sits in a throne*
JCF: As king of Camp MB, all of insanity was at his disposal. At first he was a good ruler:
*cuts to Steam and Skul talking*
STEAM: Man, that Dude is such a good ruler.
SKUL: Yeah. Eh, I would be a better one.
JCF: But then his power corrupted him.
*cuts to Dude sitting on his throne*
DUDE: Aw dang, I have so much power, I think I'm being corrupted!
JCF: Skul, who was my best friend back then, got suspicious and got rid of him.
BEE: You mean he...
JCF: No, he built a catapult and launched him far, far way. Last I heard he landed in Florida and is living happily there.
BEE: I guess that's nice.
JCF: But not for us, Skul was a much worse ruler than Dude. Aside from bossing us around, Skul started acting just plain creepy.
*cuts to Darthy and Jah looking down a hole*
JAH: Wow, what a deep hole!
DARTHY: Sure wouldn't want to fall into it.
DARTHY AND JAH: AAHHHH!!! *they fall into the hole*
JCF: And another time...
*Ninjay is sitting by a tree*
JCF: *sits next to him* I need to spend some time with somebody a little less weird.
*Ninjay takes off a Ninjay suit and turns out to be Skul*
NINJAY: JCF, why are you sitting next to a skeleton?
NINJAY: So then I lead JCF, Luke, Darthy, Jah and Steam in an epic charge to end Skul's rule!
NINJAY: *unsheathes a Popsicle* CHAAAARGE!
SKUL: Face my minions! *sends out his Marshmallow monsters*
BEE: What happened then?
JCF: Then the Mods came and told us to stop because food fighting is illegal.
BEE: Oh.
NINJAY: Then most of us left to find another suitably crazy topic. Finding Friendships.
*flashback ends*
BEE: It's too bad we'll be stuck here for the rest of forever.