Fair enough, you're probably too young to have a job:P.
I probably should get a job, but I'm already ridiculously busy with school, scholarships wasting free-time away on these forums, etc. Hopefully over the summer
School comes first. If I was in school I wouldn't have a job, besides in the summer.
~l)~/\/~/-\~ The tie between real life and legos is imagination .
I probably should get a job, but I'm already ridiculously busy with school, scholarships wasting free-time away on these forums, etc. Hopefully over the summer
School comes first. If I was in school I wouldn't have a job, besides in the summer.
Oh, definitely, that's the main reason I haven't gotten one yet. I had a friend last year who was taking just as many DE courses as me- maybe even more- and she still tried to have a job as well. I have absolutely no idea how she did it.
I probably should get a job, but I'm already ridiculously busy with school, scholarships wasting free-time away on these forums, etc. Hopefully over the summer
School comes first. If I was in school I wouldn't have a job, besides in the summer.
School does come first and matters most in college.
"May the downtrodden one day rise up and take the place of those that would oppress them."
School comes first. If I was in school I wouldn't have a job, besides in the summer.
Oh, definitely, that's the main reason I haven't gotten one yet. I had a friend last year who was taking just as many DE courses as me- maybe even more- and she still tried to have a job as well. I have absolutely no idea how she did it.
It probably was low hours. There are some high schoolers who work at the movie theater.
~l)~/\/~/-\~ The tie between real life and legos is imagination .
Oh, definitely, that's the main reason I haven't gotten one yet. I had a friend last year who was taking just as many DE courses as me- maybe even more- and she still tried to have a job as well. I have absolutely no idea how she did it.
It probably was low hours. There are some high schoolers who work at the movie theater.
Probably. Even so, I was swamped with work even without a job, she must've been working 24/7