*Tisk* Well I guess well patch her up and get her on her feet. *Pulls out bandages and starts medicating.* Three hours latterOk she should be good to go. And today is her 13 visit this month so today's treatment is free.
Ooooohhhhh *blinks.* oohh what happened? *Sits up slightly* I feel funny.
*Leaving* Yeah, you'll feel that way for a couple hours cause of the blood loss, it's fine, just don't do much for a while.
"Le epic time machine!"
No way! *Hops out of bed* When we gonna go. *Sways as head swims* Whoa, Yis, is it normal for the room to spin like that?
Perfect. That sounds nice! Not a fan of your state? Ooohh!! Neat, I'll keep you on tabs then for when I need animators! Currently the thought is that me and yisrael2 are gonna work together on movies and stuff! We wanna do acting together. So that'll be supper fun if we pull it off! Yup sure am, Have you heard that Oreo has released a GF double stuffed orio!! It's so good XD Ikr, same!
It's a good state in theory but the lack of opportunities in my field, the nine months of winter, and some other stuff really kills the vibe Please do, I'd be happy to help if y'all ever need an animator someday. Oh cool, Hollywood won't know what hit them. Are you guys wanting to do movies or tv shows? Yep, I've picked them up at the store a couple times. They really knocked it out of the park with those! Have you tried using them for smores?
Yeah, gotta be able to get a job you like! Actually the nine months of winter sounds pretty nice to me. It'd be so fun to work with you! Yeah Hollywood better hold onto it's bonnet >:3 All of the above I think, but we agreed that we wanted to start with an animated film. Doing voices. Ya so yummy! Oh I I haven't done that really, the closest I got was a smore with crumbled orio on top, but I should try it!