If you don't have kidneys in the first place, I'm not really sure whether or not you'll be alive to worry about the side effects of some weird medicine.
My dad has no kidneys, he's still alive.
Really? That's cool.
I'm covered in the colors pulled apart at the seams~
Lol. I don't like stepping into unpleasant situations in flip flops, so I do indeed wear boots, when I'm not wearing other types of foot apparel. You don't wear boots?
Lol. I don't like stepping into unpleasant situations in flip flops, so I do indeed wear boots, when I'm not wearing other types of foot apparel. You don't wear boots?
Nope, I like living life on the edge, and I carry heavy stuff without wearing my steel toes.
Lol. I don't like stepping into unpleasant situations in flip flops, so I do indeed wear boots, when I'm not wearing other types of foot apparel. You don't wear boots?
Nope, I like living life on the edge, and I carry heavy Loostuff without wearing my steel toes.
Lol, I did that, until I got stepped on by a 1,200 pound horse wearing an iron shoe a few times. And when you work chainsaws, you wear boots. I get my kicks by running with with a lollipop in my mouth.
If only I was brave enough to ask a bunch of strangers on the street.
It could be done online maybe… *shrug*
That's an option. But there's still the whole thing with time and resources, as well as the fact that I do not really care too deeply about the topic. Yes, it would be interesting to see an answer to that question, but I'm not so curious about it that I need to know. If I did, I would probably already be in the process of surveying people right now as we speak.
I'm covered in the colors pulled apart at the seams~